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Automated K8s Cluster - Kubespray: Kubernetes Cluster Deployment, MetalLB Configuration, Add & Remove Nodes from the Cluster, Example Deployment with LoadBalancer and NodePort Services
3043 words
Kubernetes Kubernetes Cluster K8s Kubespray MetalLB Kubectl Debian Ansible Python
Argo CD with GitLab CI, Part 1: Table of Contents, Mermaid Flowchart, Setup Overview
998 words
Argo CD Argo CD CLI GitLab GitLab CI CI Pipeline Kubernetes CoreDNS Python Flask Mermaid Flowchart
Argo CD with GitLab CI, Part 2: GitLab Repositories (Source Code and Pipeline Repository, Helm Chart Repository), Deploy Key for CI Pipeline
1109 words
Argo CD Argo CD CLI GitLab GitLab CI CI Pipeline Kubernetes CoreDNS Python Flask
Argo CD with GitLab CI, Part 3: Setting Up Argo CD, Argo CD CLI and CoreDNS
993 words
Argo CD Argo CD CLI GitLab GitLab CI CI Pipeline Kubernetes CoreDNS Python Flask
Argo CD with GitLab CI, Part 4: Argo CD Configuration (Add GitLab Host Keys, GitLab Registry Kubernetes Secret, Connect GitLab Repository, Deploy Argo CD Application)
1158 words
Argo CD Argo CD CLI GitLab GitLab CI CI Pipeline Kubernetes CoreDNS Python Flask
Prometheus - Docker Compose, Part 5: Python Flask App, Grafana Dashboard
2557 words
Prometheus Alertmanager Grafana Prometheus Flask Exporter Python Flask Docker-Compose Monitoring
GitLab CI Pipeline: Run Python Unit Tests and Publish Results with GitLab Pages (Python Flask Web Application)
663 words
GitLab GitLab Pages GitLab CI CI Pipeline Python Unit Test Flask
GitLab CI Pipeline: Python Flask Web Application, Deploy and Run Python in Container, Deploy and Run Compiled Python Bytecode in Container via Multistage Dockerfile, Deploy and Run Compiled Python Binary in Container via Multistage Dockerfile
1772 words
GitLab GitLab CI CI Pipeline Python Flask Multistage Dockerfile Unprivileged Container
AWS Lambda Function - S3 Bucket Automation
481 words
AWS Lambda S3 Python Boto3
Jupyter Notebook
228 words
Jupyter Notebook Python pip venv