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GitLab CI Pipeline - Deploy Static Website via Nginx Container, Multi-branch Deployment, Run container without Root Privileges
1374 words
GitLab GitLab CI CI Pipeline Multi-branch Nginx Unprivileged Container Docker Git
Dockerfile: Create Unprivileged Webserver Containers with Nginx(Alpine), Apache(Alpine / from scratch) & Caddy(Alpine)
821 words
Dockerfile Unprivileged Container Alpine Webserver Nginx Apache Caddy
WildFly (JBoss Community Version) - Setup on Debian 12, Deployment of a Java WebApp, Nginx Reverse Proxy
1040 words
WildFly JBoss Debian Java Nginx
Nginx Tutorial: HTTP, HTTPS, Reverse Proxy for Apache2
1329 words
Nginx Reverse Proxy Apache Certbot Webserver
Nginx - Docker Compose, HTTP, HTTPS, Reverse Proxy for Apache2 Container
754 words
Nginx Docker-Compose Reverse Proxy Apache Certbot Webserver
Varnish: Loadbalancer Example with Nginx TLS Termination for Apache2 Webservers; Systemd Service Unit Configuration, Manage VCL Configurations with Varnishadm
1119 words
Varnish Varnishadm Nginx Apache Loadbalancer Systemd Service Unit
High-availability Cluster with Pacemaker and Corosync, PCS and CRMSH version
1740 words
Pacemaker Corosync PCS CRMSH High-availability Cluster Nginx
Zabbix & Zabbix Agent 2 - Monitoring Setup, PostgreSQL & MySQL Setup
1086 words
Zabbix Monitoring Nginx PostgreSQL MySQL
ELK Stack: Bare-Metal Deployment
1111 words
ELK Stack Elasticsearch Kibana Logstash Filebeat Nginx
InfluxDB with Telegraf Agent - Docker Compose Stack with Nginx Reverse Proxy
450 words
InfluxDB Telegraf Docker-Compose Nginx
Wordpress - Docker Compose Stack with Nginx Reverse Proxy
282 words
Wordpress Docker-Compose Nginx MariaDB
Ansible: Example Playbooks and ad hoc commands
1155 words
Ansible Ansible-Playbook Docker Nginx
phpMyAdmin - Docker Compose, Nginx Reverse Proxy. Management Interface for MySQL & MariaDB
617 words
phpMyAdmin MySQL MariaDB Docker-Compose Nginx
Mongo-Express - Docker Compose, Nginx Reverse Proxy. Management Interface for MongoDB
771 words
Mongo-Express MongoDB Docker-Compose Nginx
Jira - Docker Compose Stack with Nginx Reverse Proxy
203 words
Jira Docker-Compose Nginx PostgreSQL
Confluence - Docker Compose Stack with Nginx Reverse Proxy
288 words
Confluence Docker-Compose Nginx PostgreSQL
Bookstack - Docker Compose Stack with Nginx Reverse Proxy
413 words
Bookstack Docker-Compose Nginx MariaDB
Mattermost - Docker Compose Stack with Nginx Reverse Proxy
326 words
Mattermost Docker-Compose Nginx PostgreSQL
Rocket.Chat - Docker Compose Stack with Nginx Reverse Proxy
390 words
Rocket.Chat Docker-Compose Nginx MongoDB
Passbolt - Open Source Password Manager - Docker Compose Stack with Nginx Reverse Proxy
332 words
Passbolt Docker-Compose Nginx MariaDB
Jenkins - Docker Compose Stack with Nginx Reverse Proxy
401 words
Jenkins Docker-Compose Nginx
Sonatype Nexus3 - Docker Compose Stack with Nginx Reverse Proxy
212 words
Sonatype Nexus3 Docker-Compose Nginx