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Kubernetes KubeVirt - Run KVM based Virtual Machines in Kubernetes: Deploy CirrOS example VM, Deploy Debian VM with Cloud-init and DataVolume / PersistentVolumeClaim
1488 words
Kubernetes KubeVirt Kubernetes Operator KVM CirrOS Debian Cloud-init
Loki: Automated Promtail Container Deployment with Ansible
1024 words
Loki Promtail Ansible Docker Debian
K8s Kubespray: Kubernetes Cluster Deployment, MetalLB Configuration, Add & Remove Nodes from the Cluster, Example Deployment with LoadBalancer and NodePort Services
3043 words
Kubernetes Kubernetes Cluster K8s Kubespray MetalLB Kubectl Debian Ansible Python
K3s: Single and Multi Node Kubernetes Cluster based on Debian 12 Servers, Traefik & Nginx Ingress Controller, Helm Package Manager, Node Labels, Taint Master Node, Deployment Scaling, TLS Encryption with Certbot
2223 words
Kubernetes Kubernetes Cluster K3s Debian Kubectl Helm Certbot
Keycloak Authentication - Setup on Debian 12, Production Mode, TLS Encryption, CLI Administration, Keycloak Quickstart Node.js Example Application
1746 words
Keycloak Debian Node.js Java
WildFly (JBoss Community Version) - Setup on Debian 12, Deployment of a Java WebApp, Nginx Reverse Proxy
1040 words
WildFly JBoss Debian Java Nginx
Mailcow - Docker Compose Stack, Setup a Mailcow Mailserver with SOGo Mailclient on a Hetzner Cloud Server
1104 words
Mailcow Docker-Compose Debian Hetzner Cloud Route 53
Vagrant with VirtualBox on Debian 12
717 words
Vagrant Virtualbox Debian Linux KVM
Linux Dual Boot with Ubuntu and Debian. Ubuntu custom storage layout with LVM, Debian custom storage layout with LVM
481 words
Linux Dual boot Ubuntu Debian GRUB
Linux - Create bootable USB Stick, create encrypted USB Stick, VeraCrypt Encryption, Cryptsetup Encryption
2358 words
Linux Bootable USB-Stick VeraCrypt Cryptsetup Debian
Proxmox Hypervisor - GPU and Disk Passthrough
1931 words
Proxmox Hypervisor Debian GPU Passthrough
Debian 12 Bookworm - Server & Desktop Configuration, Common Packages, KVM Virtualization with Virt-Manager
1293 words
Linux Debian Desktop