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Linux Commands: General Commands, System Configuration, Package Manager, Network & VLAN Configuration & Firewalls, SSH & Host Keys, Certificates, KVM & SQL
12015 words
Linux Bash Commands
Linux Storage: Mount, Disks, Partitions, Filesystems, LVM, Mdadm, Swapfile, Smartmontools, NFS & Samba
3262 words
Linux Storage Commands
Linux Filetransfer and Backups: SCP, SFTP, Rsync, Rsnapshot, dd, Borg Backup & Netcat
1857 words
Linux Filetransfer Backup Commands
PowerShell Commands and Scripts: Remote Management, Active Directory, Group Policy, Networking, Scheduled Tasks, Licenses
3234 words
PowerShell Commands Active Directory Windows
Docker & Docker Compose Commands
3169 words
Docker Docker-Compose Commands Systemd Service Unit Ansible-Playbook
Kubernetes Commands: Kubectl Autocomplete, Cluster Nodes, Namespaces, LimitRange Resource Limits, Pods, Deployments, Replication Controllers, Services, HPA, Secrets, Cronjobs, Helm, Logs, K9s TUI
3028 words
Kubernetes Kubectl Helm Commands
Git Commands: Install Git (Linux, Windows), Configure User & Email, Clone Repository, Manage Branches, Status, Add, Commit, Push & Pull, Merge Branches, Commit History & Reset Commit, Change Commit Message, Line Ending Conversion
2249 words
Git GitLab Commands
Terraform Commands Overview
395 words
Terraform Commands
AWS S3 - Manage Data via AWS CLI: Copy and Sync Data, Static Website Hosting, Mount S3 Bucket as File System with S3fs
660 words
AWS AWS CLI S3 s3fs Commands
Docker Swarm: Basic Tutorial
974 words
Docker Docker-Swarm Commands
Intelligent Platform Management Interface (IPMI) Commands
361 words
IPMI BMC Commands