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Automated K8s Cluster - Kubespray: Kubernetes Cluster Deployment, MetalLB Configuration, Add & Remove Nodes from the Cluster, Example Deployment with LoadBalancer and NodePort Services
3043 words
Kubernetes Kubernetes Cluster K8s Kubespray MetalLB Kubectl Debian Ansible Python
Loki: Automated Promtail Container Deployment with Ansible
1024 words
Loki Promtail Ansible Docker Debian
Ansible AWX: Kubernetes Deployment with AWX Operator, Storage Setup (Storage Class, PersistentVolume with NFS, PersistentVolumeClaim), TLS Encryption with Nginx Ingress and Kubernetes Secret
931 words
Ansible Ansible AWX Kubernetes Kubernetes-Operator Helm
Ansible: Create Ansible Collection with Roles and Playbooks for User Management and SSH Daemon Configuration
1961 words
Ansible Ansible-Playbook Ansible Galaxy
Ansible: Example Playbooks and ad hoc commands
1155 words
Ansible Ansible-Playbook Docker Nginx