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Visual Studio Code Shortcuts

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VSCode Shortcuts
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Visual Studio Code Shortcuts

Strg + + Zoom
Strg + - Zoom
Strg + Tab Switch between open files
Strg + Shift + F Search Project / Open files
Strg + Shift + P Command Palette
Select Text
Strg + Alt + Up Add multiple cursors
Strg + Alt + Down Add multiple cursors
Alt + Left Mouse Add multiple cursors
Strg + L Select current line
Strg + Shift + Left Select previous word
Strg + Shift + Right Select next word
Strg + D Select word
Strg + D, Strg + D Select word and next same word
Strg + G, Number Jump to line
Edit Text
Strg + Z Undo
Strg + Y Redo
Alt + up Move line up and down
Alt + down Move line up and down
Alt + Shift + up Duplicate line up and down
Alt + Shift + down Duplicate line up and down
Delete Text
Strg + Shift + K Delete current line
Strg + Backspace Delete previous word
Strg + Delete Delete next word
Comment Lines
Strg + # Commenting out one or multiple lines
Strg + # Remove commenting
Strg + K, Strg + C Commenting out one or multiple lines
Strg + K, Strg + U Remove commenting
Strg + Shift + V Open markdown preview
Strg + Shift + X Open extensions menu
Command Palatte
Strg + Shift + P Open command palatte
F11 Fullscreen on / off
Strg + B Sidebar toggle

Change Color Theme

  • Open the Command Palette: Ctrl + Shift + p
  • Select “Preferences: Color Theme”
  • Select a color theme


Useful Extensions

Markdown Preview Enhanced


  • Open Extensions Bar: Ctrl + Shift + X

  • Search for Markdown Preview Enhanced

  • Click “Install”

Open Markdown Preview Enhanced

# Open the command palette
Ctrl + Shift + P

# Open "Markdown Preview Enhanced"
Markdown Preview Enhanced: Open Preview to the Side
# Alternative use the following shortcut
Ctrl + K, V