This is a small tutorial that covers the basic setup for a backup of VMware VMs.
Prerequisites #
License Type #
I used the following demo license:
Small Buisiness: Veeam Data Platform - Essentials
Up to 50 Workloads (VMs)
# Download link
Windows Server #
As base for the Veeam Backup & Replication installation I use a Windows Server 2022 that is not joind to a windows domain and is not used for any other purposes then Veeam.
Use a DNS server that can resolve the VMware hosts.
Veeam #
Setup #

- Select “Install Veeam Backup & Replication”

- Accept the License Agreement

- Add the license file

- Select the local Windows admin account

- Install new PostgreSQL server

- Start the installation

- Wait till the installation has finished

Start Veeam #

Add NFS Export #
Go to
Backup Infrastructure
>Backup Repositories
RightMouse >
Add backup repository...

- Select
Network attached storage

- Select
NFS share

- Define a name for the NFS backup repository

- Define the path to the NFS share
# Define path to NFS

Add vSphere Server #
- Add a vSphere instance and it’s ESXi nodes

- Enter the vSphere domain name (without https://)

- Add vSphere credentials

Note: In my homelab I used to main Administrator vSphere credentials. As best practice create specific vSphere credentials for Veeam only.

Create Backup Jobs #
Add Home Button #
- Add the home button in case the home button in case it’s missing

Add Backup Job #
- Create a VM backup job

- Define a name for the backup job

- Add one or several VMs

Select a backup repository as target for the VM backups
Optional click “Configure” to add additional backup rules

- Define a backup schedule

- Optional: Enable “Run the job when I click Finish”, this immediately starts the backup job

Backup Overview #
List Backup Jobs #
Go to Home
> Jobs
> Backups
to find the available backup jobs

List Backups from Backup Jobs #
Go to Home
> Backups
> Disk
to list the available backups sorted by their backup jobs

Restore Backup #
I restore the VM to a different location, so that I can keep the original VM in a running state.
- Select the VM that should be restored

- Select the VM and the restore point

- Define the location for the restores backup

- Click
to select the ESXi target node

- Click
to select the resource pool

- Select the VM or only the config or disk part of the VM and click
to define a storage pool or NFS share to store them

- Select a vSphere folder to store the VM

- Optional: Define a new VLAN for the VM. This can be useful if the ESXi target node is in a different location with different VLANs

- Start the backup restoring

- Check out the restored backup on vSphere. Disconnect the network interface so that there is no IP conflict with the running original VM