Prerequisites #
I use an Ubiquiti EdgeRouter 6p and the following cables to connect to the serial port of the router:
Digitus: USB to Serial Converter
- Compatibility: USB 2.0 Standards
- Supports: RJ45 Serial Interface
- Chipset: FTDI / FT232RL
StarTech: 6 ft RJ45 to DB9 Cisco Console Management Router Cable - M/F
- RJ45 Male
- DB9 Female
Router #
Use the default serial port settings for your router, in my case they are as follows:
- Baud rate: 115200
- Data bits: 8
- Parity: NONE
- Stop bits: 1
- Flow control: NONE
Device Manager #
Connect the Cable to the USB port of your computer.
Open the Windows Device Manager, expand the “Ports” section and find the COM Port that is used. In my case it’s COM3.

Open PuTTY and expand the “Serial” section.
Enter the default serial port settings for your router.

Go back to the “Session” section and open the session. Optional you can enter a name in the “Saved Sessions” input field and click “Save”, to save the session.

Press “enter” to proceed to the login prompt.