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Kubernetes Role Based Access Control (RBAC): RBAC Overview, Create Service Account, Example Role and RoleBinding

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Kubernetes Kubectl RBAC
Table of Contents
Kubernetes-Components - This article is part of a series.
Part 24: This Article


RBAC regulates access to Kubernetes resources based on the roles of individual users within a Kubernetes cluster.

RBAC Objects


Scope: Namespaced

  • The permissions apply within a specific namespace that the Role belongs to

  • Defines actions like (get, list, create, update, delete,…) on a defined set of Kubernetes resources like (Pods, Deployments,…)


Scope: Cluster-wide

  • Similar to a Role, but it applies cluster-wide rather than being limited to a specific namespace

  • Rules in a ClusterRole can apply to any resource in any namespace or to cluster-scoped resources like nodes


Scope: Namespaced

  • Associates a Role with one or more users, groups, or service accounts within a specific namespace, this grants permissions within a single namespace to specific users or service accounts


Scope: Cluster-wide

  • Equivalent to RoleBinding, but targets ClusterRole resources instead of Roles

Users & Service Accounts


  • Represents a human who authenticates to the cluster using an external service

  • Can use private keys (default method), a list of usernames and passwords, or an OAuth service such as Google accounts

  • Users are not managed by Kubernetes.

Service Accounts:

  • Service Accounts are token values that can be used to grant access to namespaces in the cluster

  • Designed for use by applications and system components

  • Service Accounts are backed by Kubernetes objects and can be managed using the API

Verify RBAC is enabled

If the API exists, RBAC is ready to use:

# Verify RBAC is enabled
kubectl api-versions | grep rbac

# Shell output:

Service Accounts

Create Service Account

Create a Service Account to bind a role to it:

# Create a service account with the name "example-user"
kubectl create serviceaccount example-user

# Shell output:
serviceaccount/example-user created

Create Authorization Token

The token value will be saved to the $TOKEN environment variable in the terminal:

# Create an authorization token for your Service Account
TOKEN=$(kubectl create token example-user)

# Verify the token:
echo $TOKEN

# Shell output:

Configure Kubectl for Service Account

# Add the Service Account as a credential in the Kubeconfig file
sudo kubectl config set-credentials example-user --token=$TOKEN

# Shell output:
User "example-user" set.

Verify Current Cluster & Context

# Check the name of your current context
kubectl config current-context

# Shell output:
# List all contexts configured in the kubeconfig file
kubectl config get-contexts

# Shell output:
*         default   default   default

Add New Context

# Add the new context
sudo kubectl config set-context example-user-context --cluster=default --user=example-user

# Shell output:
Context "example-user-context" created.

Verify New Context

# List all contexts configured in the kubeconfig file
kubectl config get-contexts

# Shell output:
*         default                default   default
          example-user-context   default   example-user

Switch to the new Context

# Switch to new "example-user-context" conext
sudo kubectl config use-context example-user-context

Verify Permissions of new Context

Run a Kubectl to command to verify the lack of permissions of the new context:

# List pods
kubectl get pods

# Shell output:
Error from server (Forbidden): pods is forbidden: User "system:serviceaccount:default:example-user" cannot list resource "pods" in API group "" in the namespace "default"

A “Forbidden” error is returned because the Service Account has no RBAC roles assigned, that include the “get pods” permission.

Example Role & RoleBinding

Switch to the Default Context

# Switch to default context
sudo kubectl config use-context default

# Shell output
Switched to context "default".

Create a Role

vi example-role.yaml
kind: Role
  name: example-role
  namespace: default # Define namespace
  - apiGroups:
      - "" # Refers to the core API group (for resources like pods, services, etc.)
      - pods
      - get
      - list
      - create
      - update
# Add the role to the cluster
kubectl apply -f example-role.yaml

# Shell output: create

Create a RoleBinding

Create a RoleBinding to assign the Role to the Service Account:

vi example-role-binding.yaml
kind: RoleBinding
  name: example-role-binding
  namespace: default # Same namespace as the Role
  kind: Role
  name: example-role # Name of the Role to bind
  - kind: ServiceAccount
    name: example-user # Name of the service account
    namespace: default # Namespace of the service account
# Bind the role to the service account
kubectl apply -f example-role-binding.yaml

# Shell output: created

Verify Service Account Role / Permissions

Switch to the new Context

# Switch to new "example-user-context" conext
sudo kubectl config use-context example-user-context

Verify Permissions

Create an example pod and list the pods in the “default” namespace:

# Create an example pod in the "default" namespace
kubectl run pod1 --image nginx:latest -l app=pod1
# List pods in "default" namespace
kubectl get pods

# Shell output:
NAME                    READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
pod1                    1/1     Running   0          5s

Try to delete the example pod:

# Try to delete the example pod
kubectl delete pod pod1

# Shell output:
Error from server (Forbidden): pods "pod1" is forbidden: User "system:serviceaccount:default:example-user" cannot delete resource "pods" in API group "" in the namespace "default"

It’s not possible to delete the pod, because the Role does not include the required “delete” action.

Kubernetes-Components - This article is part of a series.
Part 24: This Article