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Kubernetes Commands: Kubectl Autocomplete, Cluster Nodes, Namespaces, LimitRange Resource Limits, Pods, Deployments, Replication Controllers, Services, HPA, Secrets, Cronjobs, Helm, Logs, K9s TUI

3028 words·
Kubernetes Kubectl Helm Commands
Table of Contents
Kubernetes-Components - This article is part of a series.
Part 28: This Article


# List kubectl commands
kubectl -h

# List help for specific command: "get" command
kubectl get -h

Kubectl Autocomplete

Insall Bash-Completion & Verify Installation

# Search installed packages on Deb based system
dpkg -l | grep bash-completion

# Shell output:
ii  bash-completion                      1:2.11-8                                all          programmable completion for the bash shell

Install the bash-completion package if it’s not yet installed:

# Install bash-completion package
sudo apt update &&
sudo apt install bash-completion -y

Enable Kubectl Autocomplete

Current Shell:

# Enable kubectl autocomplete: Current shell
source <(kubectl completion bash)


# Append the command to the .bashrc file
echo "source <(kubectl completion bash)" >> ~/.bashrc

# Apply changes
source ~/.bashrc

Cluster Nodes

List Nodes & Check Cluster Status

# List nodes
kubectl get nodes
# List nodes: More details
kubectl get nodes -o wide

# Shell output: Example
node1   Ready    control-plane   27h   v1.29.5   <none>        Debian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm)   6.1.0-21-amd64   containerd://1.7.16
node2   Ready    control-plane   27h   v1.29.5   <none>        Debian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm)   6.1.0-21-amd64   containerd://1.7.16
node3   Ready    worker          27h   v1.29.5   <none>        Debian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm)   6.1.0-21-amd64   containerd://1.7.16
node4   Ready    worker          27h   v1.29.5   <none>        Debian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm)   6.1.0-21-amd64   containerd://1.7.16

Label Worker Nodes

# Label a worker node
kubectl label nodes <node-name>

Kubelet Logs

# List Kubelet logs of a Kubernetes Node: Run on desired node
sudo journalctl -u kubelet

Kubernetes Version

# List Kubernetes version: Client (Kubectl) & Server (Kubernetes Cluster)
kubectl version

Shutdown Node / Maintenance Mode

# drain each node, which safely evicts all pods from the node in preparation for maintenance
kubectl drain node3 --ignore-daemonsets --delete-emptydir-data
# Verify the status
kubectl get nodes

# Shell output
NAME    STATUS                     ROLES           AGE    VERSION
node1   Ready                      control-plane   6d1h   v1.29.5
node2   Ready                      control-plane   6d1h   v1.29.5
node3   Ready,SchedulingDisabled   <none>          6d1h   v1.29.5
node4   Ready,SchedulingDisabled   <none>          6d1h   v1.29.5
# Uncord node / mark it as schedulable
kubectl uncordon node3
# Verify the status
kubectl get nodes

# Shell output
node1   Ready    control-plane   6d1h   v1.29.5
node2   Ready    control-plane   6d1h   v1.29.5
node3   Ready    <none>          6d1h   v1.29.5
node4   Ready    <none>          6d1h   v1.29.5


Default Namespaces

  • default All Kubernetes objects created without a specified namespace will be put into the “default” namespace.

  • kube-system Kubernetes system objects

List Namespaces

# List all namespaces
kubectl get namespaces

# List all namespaces: Short version
kubectl get ns

Create Namespace

Create Namespace with CLI

# Create a new namespace
kubectl create namespace namespace-name

Create Namespace with YAML Configuration

# Create a namespace configuration
vi new-namespace.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
  name: new-namespace
# Deploy the namespace
kubectl create -f new-namespace.yaml

List Namespace Details

# List namespace details
kubectl describe namespace new-namespace

Delete Namespace

# Delete the namespace "new-namespace"
kubectl delete namespace new-namespace

Create Resources in specific Namespace

# Create pod: In specific namespace
kubectl run pod-name --image=image-name --namespace namespace-name
# Deploy a resource in a specific namespace
kubectl create -f filename.yaml --namespace namespace-name

Note: Use either --namespace or just -n to define a namespace.

List Resources in specific Namespace

Specific Resource Type

# List pods: In specific namespace
kubectl get pods --namespace namespace-name

# List deployments: In specific namespace
kubectl get deployments --namespace namespace-name

# List services: In specific namespace
kubectl get services --namespace namespace-name

All Resources

# List all resources: In specific namespace
kubectl get all -n namespace-name

List Resources in All Namespaces

# For example list pods in all namespaces
kubectl get pods -A

Delete Resource in specific Namespace

# Delete pod: In specific namespace
kubectl delete pod pod-name --namespace new-namespace

# Delete deployment: In specific namespace
kubectl delete deployment deployment-name --namespace namespace-name

# Delete serice: In specific namespace
kubectl delete service service-name --namespace namespace-name

Switch the Default Namespace

List Current Cluster

# List the current kubectl context: Cluster & user
kubectl config view | grep current-context

# Shell output:
current-context: kubernetes-admin@k8s.jkw.local

Set new Default Namespace

# Set the namespace "new-namespace" as the default namespace
kubectl config set-context kubernetes-admin@k8s.jkw.local --namespace new-namespace

# Set the namespace "default" as the default namespace
kubectl config set-context kubernetes-admin@k8s.jkw.local --namespace default

Verify the default Namespace

# Verify the configuration
kubectl config view

# Shell output:
apiVersion: v1
- cluster:
    certificate-authority-data: DATA+OMITTED
  name: k8s.jkw.local
- context:
    cluster: k8s.jkw.local
    namespace: new-namespace # Default namespace
    user: kubernetes-admin
  name: kubernetes-admin@k8s.jkw.local
current-context: kubernetes-admin@k8s.jkw.local
kind: Config
preferences: {}
- name: kubernetes-admin
    client-certificate-data: DATA+OMITTED
    client-key-data: DATA+OMITTED

LimitRange Resource Limits

Create LimitRange Resource

# Create a LimitRange configuration
vi namespace-limits.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: LimitRange
  name: example-namespace-limits
  namespace: example-namespace
  - type: Pod
      cpu: "2"
      memory: "1Gi"
      cpu: "200m"
      memory: "100Mi"
  - type: Container
      memory: "300Mi"
      cpu: "200m"
      memory: "200Mi"
      cpu: "100m"
      memory: "600Mi"
      cpu: "400m"
      memory: "100Mi"
      cpu: "100m"
# Deploy the LimitRange resource
kubectl create -f namespace-limits.yaml

List LimitRange Resources

# List the LimitRange resource for the namespace
kubectl get LimitRange --namespace example-namespace

# Shell output:
NAME                       CREATED AT
example-namespace-limits   2024-06-01T11:33:15Z

List Namespace Resource Limits

# List the namespace details
kubectl describe namespace example-namespace

# Shell output:
Name:         example-namespace
Annotations:  <none>
Status:       Active

No resource quota.

Resource Limits
 Type       Resource  Min    Max    Default Request  Default Limit  Max Limit/Request Ratio
 ----       --------  ---    ---    ---------------  -------------  -----------------------
 Pod        cpu       200m   2      -                -              -
 Pod        memory    100Mi  1Gi    -                -              -
 Container  memory    100Mi  600Mi  200Mi            300Mi          -
 Container  cpu       100m   400m   100m             200m           -

Delete LimitRange Resource

# Delete the LimitRange resource
kubectl delete LimitRange example-namespace-limits --namespace example-namespace

YAML Manifest / Configuration

Deploy Resources from YAML Config

# Deploy resources from YAML configuration: Current namespace
kubectl create -f filename.yaml

# Deploy resources from YAML configuration: Specific namespace
kubectl create -f filename.yaml -n namespace-name

Update Resources from YAML Config

# Deploy resources updates from YAML configuration: Current namespace
kubectl apply -f filename.yaml

# Deploy resources updates from YAML configuration: Specific namespace
kubectl apply -f filename.yaml -n namespace-name

Delete Resources from YAML Config

# Delete resources from YAML configuration: Current namespace
kubectl delete -f filename.yaml

# Delete resources from YAML configuration: Specific namespace
kubectl delete -f filename.yaml

Create YAML Manifest from Deployment

# Save YAML Manifest from existing deployment: Current namespace
kubectl get deployment-type deployment-name -o yaml > filename.yaml

# Save YAML Manifest from existing deployment: Specific namespace
kubectl get deployment-type deployment-name -n namespace-name -o yaml > filename.yaml

Example: Backup & Restore Deployment

This is an example for CoreDNS deployment backup and restore:

# Create a backup of a Deployment
kubectl get deployment coredns -n kube-system -o yaml > coredns-deployment.yaml

# Delete the Deployment
kubectl delete deployment coredns -n kube-system

# Restore the Deployment
kubectl apply -f coredns-deployment.yaml


List Pods

List Pods:

# List pods
kubectl get pod

# List pods: More details like node name
kubectl get pods -o wide

Watch Pods:

# # List pods: Watch the status change
kubectl get pods --watch

List Pods per Label:

# List pods: With specific label "nginx"
kubectl get pod -l app=nginx

List Pods, define Namespace:

# List pods: In specific namespace
kubectl get pods --namespace=namespace-name

# List pods: In all namespaces
kubectl get pods --all-namespaces

List Pod Details

# List pod details
kubectl describe pod <pod-name>

Delete Pod

# Delete pod
kubectl delete pod <pod-name>

Pods / Containers

Container Shell

# Access an container shell: Single container pod
kubectl exec -it pod-name -- /bin/bash

# Access an container shell: Multi container pod
kubectl exec -it pod-name -c container-name -- /bin/bash

Container Environment Variables

# List environment variables: Single container pod
kubectl exec pod-name -- printenv

# List environment variables: Multi container pod
kubectl exec pod-name -c container-name -- printenv

Container Logs

# Container logs: Single container pod
kubectl logs my-pod

# Container logs: Multi container pod
kubectl logs pod-name -c container-name

Container Port Forwarding

Kubernetes will forward to the correct container based on the destination port:

# Forward container port: Local access
kubectl port-forward pod-name 8080:80

# Forward container port: Local access, specific namespace
kubectl port-forward pod-name -n namespace-name 8080:80
# Forward container port: Access from other hosts
kubectl port-forward --address pod-name 8080:80

# Forward container port: Access from other hosts, specific namespace
kubectl port-forward --address pod-name -n namespace-name 8080:80
# Curl the local port
curl localhost:8080

# Stop port forwarding
Strg + C


List Deployments

# List deployments
kubectl get deployments

List Deployment Details

# List deployment details
kubectl describe deployment <deployment-name>

Scale Deployment

# Set the number of replicas for a deployment 
kubectl scale deployment <deployment-name> --replicas=2

Delete Deployment

# Delete deployment
kubectl delete deployment <deployment-name>

Replication Controllers

List RC

# List Replication Controllers
kubectl get rc
kubectl describe rc controller-name

List RC Details

# List Replication Controller details
kubectl describe rc controller-name

Edit RC

# Edit Replcation Controller
kubectl edit rc/controller-name

Delete RC

# Delete the replication controller and it's pods
kubectl delete rc controller-name


Service Types

  • ClusterIP Default service type when no service type is defined

  • --type=NodePort Creates a NodePort service

  • --type=LoadBalancer Creates a LoadBalancer service

Access NodePort

NAME          TYPE        CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP      PORT(S)          AGE
testservice   NodePort   8000:32007/TCP   2s

A NodePort service exposes a static port (NodePort) randomly assigned, in this example port “32007” on all nodes external IPs in the cluster, and internal on the cluster IP, in this example on port “8000”. Optional an external IP can be defined.

Create Service

Service for Deployment

ClusterIP Service:

# Create service type "ClusterIP" for a deployment
kubectl expose deployment <deployment-name> --port=8000 --target-port=80 --name=<service-name>

# Create service type "ClusterIP" for a deployment: Add external IP to access the service
kubectl expose deployment <deployment-name> --port=8000 --target-port=80 --name=<service-name> --external-ip=""

NodePort Service:

# Create service type "NodePort" for a deployment
kubectl expose deployment <deployment-name> --type=NodePort --port=8000 --target-port=80 --name=<service-name>

# Create service type "NodePort" for a deployment: Add external IP to access the service
kubectl expose deployment <deployment-name> --type=NodePort --port=8000 --target-port=80 --name=<service-name> --external-ip=""

LoadBalancer Service:

# Create service type "LoadBalancer" for a deployment: Random LoadBalancer IP
kubectl expose deployment <deployment-name> --type=LoadBalancer --port=8000 --target-port=80 --name=<service-name>

# Create service type "LoadBalancer" for a deployment: Define a specific LoadBalancer IP
kubectl expose deployment <deployment-name> --type=LoadBalancer --port=8000 --target-port=80 --name=<service-name> --external-ip=""

Service for Pod

# Create service type "ClusterIP" for a pod
kubectl expose pod <pod-name> --port=8000 --target-port=80 --name=<service-name>

# Create service type "ClusterIP" for a pod: Add external IP to access the service
kubectl expose pod <pod-name> --port=8000 --target-port=80 --name=<service-name> --external-ip=""

Service for Replication Controller

# Create service type "ClusterIP" for a Replication Controller
kubectl expose rc <rc-name> --port=8000 --target-port=80 --name=<service-name>

# Create service type "ClusterIP" for a Replication Controller: Add external IP to access the service
kubectl expose rc <rc-name> --port=8000 --target-port=80 --name=<service-name> --external-ip=""

List Services

# List all services / service details
kubectl get svc

List Service Details

# List service details
kubectl get svc <service-name>

# List more service details
kubectl describe svc <service-name>

Delete Service

# Delete service
kubectl delete service <service-name>

StorageClass, PV, PVC


# List storage clases
kubectl get storageclasses

# Delete storage class
kubectl delete storageclass storageclass-name

Persistent Volume Claims

# List PVC
kubectl get pvc

# Delete PVC
kubectl delete pvc pvc-name

Persistent Volumes

# List PV
kubectl get pv

# Delete PV

kubectl delete pv pv-name

Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA)

Deploy HPA

# Deploy a pod autoscaler: Maintains between 1 and 10 pod replicas
kubectl autoscale deployment deployment-name --cpu-percent=50 --min=1 --max=10 --name=hpa-name

List & Watch HPA / Check Status

# List the HPA status: Wait till the HPA gets a target output from the metrics server
kubectl get hpa

# Wacht the load of the HPA
kubectl get hpa hpa-name --watch

List HPA Details

# List HPA details
kubectl describe hpa hpa-name

Delete HPA

# Wacht the HPA
kubectl delete hpa hpa-name


List ConfigMaps

# List ConfigMaps: In current namespace
kubectl get cm

# List ConfigMaps: In all namespace
kubectl get cm --all-namespaces

# List ConfigMaps: In specific namespace
kubectl get cm -n namespacename

Edit ConfigMap

# Edit ConfigMap: Corrent namespace
kubectl edit cm configmap-name

# Edit ConfigMap: Specific namespace
kubectl edit cm configmap-name -n namespace-name

List ConfigMap Details

# List ConfigMap details: Corrent namespace
kubectl describe cm configmap-name

# List ConfigMap details: Specific namespace
kubectl describe cm configmap-name -n namespace-name

Delete ConfigMap

# Delete ConfigMap: Corrent namespace
kubectl delete cm configmap-name

# Delete ConfigMap: Specific namespace
kubectl delete cm configmap-name -n namespace-name


List Secrets

# List secrets
kubectl get secrets

Secret Details

# List secret details
kubectl describe secret secret-name

Delete Secret

# Delete secret
kubectl delete secret secret-name

Network Policies

List Network Policy

# List network policy: Describe all NetworkPolicies in "default" namespace
kubectl describe networkpolicy 

# List network policy: Describe specific "network-policy-ex-pods" np in "default" namespace
kubectl describe networkpolicy networkpolicy-name -n default

Delete Network Policy

# Delete network policy
kubectl delete networkpolicy networkpolicy-name


YAML Configuration Example

# Create cronjob configuration
vi example-conjob.yaml
apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: CronJob
  name: example-cronjob
  schedule: "*/1 * * * *"
  jobTemplate: # Defines the job to be created on each schedule occurrence
      template: # The Pod template
          - name: cronjob-container
            image: busybox
            - /bin/sh
            - -c
            - date; echo Hello from the Kubernetes cluster
          restartPolicy: OnFailure
# Deploy cronjob
kubectl apply -f example-conjob.yaml

List Cronjobs

Example Details:

# List cronjobs
kubectl get cronjobs

# Shell output:
example-cronjob    */1 * * * *   False     0        16s             40s
  • SUSPEND = False CronJob is active and will trigger executions according to its defined schedule

  • SUSPEND = True CronJob is currently suspended, and no new jobs will be started until it is unsuspended

Command Overview:

# List cronjobs: In current namespace
kubectl get cronjobs

# List cronjobs: In a specific namespace
kubectl get cronjobs -n namespace-name

# List cronjobs: In all namespaces
kubectl get cronjobs --all-namespaces

Suspend & Resume Conjob

Example Details:

# Suspend cronjob: Example
kubectl patch cronjob example-cronjob -p '{"spec":{"suspend": true}}'

# Verify the cronjob status
kubectl get cronjobs

# Shell output:
example-cronjob    */1 * * * *   True      0        43s             67s
# Resume cronjob: Example
kubectl patch cronjob example-cronjob -p '{"spec":{"suspend": false}}'

Command Overview:

# Suspend cronjob: Syntax
kubectl patch cronjob cronjob-name -p '{"spec":{"suspend": true}}'

# Resume cronjob: Syntax
kubectl patch cronjob cronjob-name -p '{"spec":{"suspend": false}}'

Check Job Execution

# List jobs
kubectl get jobs

# Shell output:
NAME                        COMPLETIONS   DURATION   AGE
example-cronjob-28621260   1/1           5s         4m56s
example-cronjob-28621264   1/1           5s         49s

List Cronjob Details

# List cronjobs: In current namespace
kubectl describe cronjob cronjob-name

# List cronjobs: In a specific namespace
kubectl describe cronjob cronjob-name -n namespace-name

Delete Cronjob

# Delete cronjob: In current namespace
kubectl delete cronjob cronjob-name 

# Delete cronjob: In a specific namespace
kubectl delete cronjob cronjob-name -n namespace-name


Install Helm

# Install Helm with script
curl -fsSL -o &&
chmod +x &&
# Verify the installation / check version
helm version


Add Repository

# Add repository
helm repo add repo-alias https://repo-url

Update Repository Index

# Update package index
helm repo update

List Repositories

# List repositories
helm repo list

Remove Repository

# Remove repository
helm repo remove repo-alias

Charts / Packages

List Available Charts in Repository

# List available charts in the Helm repository
helm search repo repo-alias

Install Package

# Install package: Syntax
helm install release-name repo-alias/chart-name

# For example
helm install metrics-server metrics-server/metrics-server
  • release-name Chosen name for the Helm installation within the Kubernetes cluster

  • repo-alias Alias that was defined for the repository

  • chart-name # Package you want to install from the repository

Uninstall Package

# Uninstall package: Current namespace
helm uninstall release-name

# Uninstall package: Specific namespace
helm delete velero -n namespace-name

List Installed Packages

# List Helm releases in the `namespace-name` namespace
helm ls -n namespace-name

# List Helm releases across all namespaces
helm ls --all-namespaces

Download Helm Chart

# Download & untar a Helm chart
helm pull repo-alias/chart-name --untar


Pod Logs

Single Container

# List the logs of a pod: Single container pod, current namespace
kubectl logs pod-name

# List the logs of a pod: Single container pod, specific namespace
kubectl logs pod-name -n namespace-name

Multi Container

# List the logs of a pod: Multi container pod, current namespace
kubectl logs pod-name -c container-name

# List the logs of a pod: Multi container pod, specific namespace
kubectl logs pod-name -c container-name -n namespace-name

Specific Time

# Logs from the last 5 minutes: Current namespace
kubectl logs pod-name --since=5m

# Logs from the last 5 minutes: Specific namespace
kubectl logs pod-name --since=5m -n namespace-name

# Logs from the last 24 hours: Current namespace
kubectl logs pod-name --since=24h

# Logs from the last 24 hours: Specific namespace
kubectl logs pod-name --since=24h -n namespace-name

Watch Real-time Logs

# Real-time logs from all containers in a pod: Current namespace
kubectl logs -f --all-containers=true pod-name

# Real-time logs from all containers in a pod: Specific namespace
kubectl logs -f --all-containers=true pod-name -n namespace-name


Pod for Network Troubleshooting

# Run pod for network troubleshooting 
kubectl run busybox --image=busybox --restart=Never --stdin --tty

# Run commands

# Delete pod
kubectl delete pod busybox



Install K9s

Find latest release:

# Download package (Debian based)

# Install package
sudo dpkg -i k9s_linux_amd64.deb

# Install missing dependencies
sudo apt install -f

Verify K9s Installation

# Verify installation / check version
k9s version

Start K9s

# Start k9s

# Exit k9s
Strg + C

K9s Commands

# List nodes

# List namespaces

# List deployments

# List pods

# List services
# Go back
# List logs
Kubernetes-Components - This article is part of a series.
Part 28: This Article