Overview #
In this tutorial I’m using the following setup based on Ubuntu 22.04 servers, GitLab is dockerized: # GitLab # GitLab Runner # Deployment Server # Temporary ARM based Server for execution of the ARM binary
I’m using the same setup for the deployment via SSH as described in my blog post:
GitLab CI Pipeline - Deploy website with Nginx Docker Container
The main requirements for the deployment via SSH key are the following:
Create a SSH key pair on the server where GitLab is deployed
Copy the public SSH key to the authorized keys file of the Deployment server
SSH into the deployment servers to add the fingerprint
Add the private SSH key as variable to the GitLab Repository CI/CD settings
On the deployment server, a user named “gitlab-deployment” is used for the authentication of for the GitLab CI pipeline
Deployment Server Prerequisites #
Deployment Folder #
Create a folder for the Go binary deployment:
# Create folder
sudo mkdir /go-binary
# Change the permissions
sudo chown -R gitlab-deployment:root /go-binary
GitLab Repository #
The following GitLab CI pipeline compiles a Go application for both x86 and ARM based CPU architectures.
To keep it simple, I deploy both the x86 and ARM binary on the same deployment server.
After the deployment I manually copy the ARM binary on a temporary AWS based ARM server to verify the ARM binary is executable.
This GitLab repository is available on GitHub:
File & Folder Structure #
The file and folder structure of the GitLab repository looks like this:
├── .gitlab-ci.yml
├── .gitlab-compile.yml
├── go.mod
├── main.go
└── README.md
Pipeline Manifests #
CI Main Pipeline Manifest #
- .gitlab-ci.yml
# Variables that will be reused in the pipeline
DEPLOY_USER: "gitlab-deployment"
OUTPUT_DIR: go-bin # Directory to store the compiled binary
# Pipeline stages
- compile
- deploy
### CI Pipeline Parts
- local: .gitlab-compile.yml
### Deploy Job
stage: deploy
image: alpine:latest
# Update the package index, install the OpenSSH client for SSH connections
- apk update && apk add openssh-client
# If the private SSH key file ($ID_RSA) exists, set secure permissions (read/write for the owner only)
- if [ -f "$ID_RSA" ]; then chmod og= $ID_RSA; fi
# Copy the binary to the target Linux server
- scp -i $ID_RSA -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no $OUTPUT_NAME_ARM64 $DEPLOY_USER@$DEPLOY_IP:/go-binary
- scp -i $ID_RSA -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no $OUTPUT_NAME_AMD64 $DEPLOY_USER@$DEPLOY_IP:/go-binary
- main
CI Compilation Manifest #
- .gitlab-compile.yml
### Compile for arm64
image: multiarch/crossbuild
stage: compile
GOARCH: arm64 # Exported environment variables within the job's execution environment
GOOS: linux # Exported environment variables within the job's execution environment
# Install Go
- apt-get update && apt-get install -y wget
- wget https://go.dev/dl/go1.23.3.linux-amd64.tar.gz
- tar -C /usr/local -xzf go1.23.3.linux-amd64.tar.gz
- export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin
# Create directory for the compiled binary
- mkdir -p $OUTPUT_DIR
# Initialize a Go module if it doesn't already exist
- go mod init example-project || true
# Download dependencies
- go mod tidy
# Compile the Go binary for arm64
- go build -o $OUTPUT_NAME_ARM64 ./main.go
# List the binary
- ls -la $OUTPUT_DIR
# Save the binary as an artifact
- main
### Compile for amd64
image: golang:latest
stage: compile
before_script: # Initialize the Go module environment
# Create directory for the compiled binary
- mkdir -p $OUTPUT_DIR
# Initialize a Go module if it doesn't already exist
- go mod init example-project || true
# Download dependencies (even if there are none, it's safe to run)
- go mod tidy
script: # Compile the Go binary and store it in the specified output directory
# Compile the Go binary for amd64 (default architecture)
- go build -o $OUTPUT_NAME_AMD64 ./main.go
# List the binary
- ls -la $OUTPUT_DIR
# Save the binary as an artifact
- main
Notes #
- Architecture variables: The go build command picks them up because the Go toolchain natively checks for these environment variables to determine the target architecture and operating system.
GOARCH: arm64 # Exported environment variables within the job's execution environment
GOOS: linux # Exported environment variables within the job's execution environment
Go Source Code #
This Go code will just output “Hi there!” when executed.
main.go #
- main.go
// Declare the main package / required for any standalone executable Go program
package main
// Import the fmt package for formatted input/output functions
import "fmt"
// Define the main function, the entry point of the program
func main() {
fmt.Println("Hi there!") // Print the message to the console
go.mod #
- go.mod
module jueklu/some-go-project
go 1.21.8
Verify the Deployment #
Verify Deployed Binaries #
# List the binaries on the deployment server
sudo ls -la /go-binary
# Shell output:
-rwxr-xr-x 1 gitlab-deployment gitlab-deployment 2130778 Nov 18 12:19 example-binary_amd64_main
-rwxr-xr-x 1 gitlab-deployment gitlab-deployment 2154559 Nov 18 12:19 example-binary_arm64_main
Verify AMD64 Binary #
# Run the Go binary that was compiles for AMD64 architecture:
sudo /go-binary/example-binary_amd64_main
# Shell output:
Hi there!
Test the ARM binary on the AMD64 based server:
# Run the Go binary that was compiles for ARM64 architecture:
sudo /go-binary/example-binary_arm64_main
# Shell output: (Supposed to fail)
-bash: ./example-binary_arm64_main: cannot execute binary file: Exec format error
Verify ARM Binary #
Note: To keep it simple, I deploy both binaries to the same deployment server. To verify that the ARM64-based binary runs correctly, I copy it to a temporary AWS-based ARM64 Ubuntu server.
Copy Binary #
Copy the ARM binary to ARM based Server:
# Copy the binary to an ARM based VM
scp -i ~/.ssh/aws-ec2-pc-wien.pem example-binary_arm64_main ubuntu@
# SSH into the ARM based VM
ssh -i ~/.ssh/aws-ec2-pc-wien.pem ubuntu@
Verify the ARM architecture of the server:
# List hardware architecture
uname -m
# Shell output:
ARM64 based CPU
Run Binary #
# Run the ARM binary
# Shell output:
Hi there!
Links #
# Find latest Go release