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Enable Bitlocker Encryption, store Recovery Key in Active Directory

1772 words·
Bitlocker TPM Windows Active Directory GPO
Table of Contents

Enable TPM on VM

I’m using VMware Workstation 16 Pro as hypervisor, here are the steps to enable TPM for an VM.

  • Open the VM settings
  • Go to the Options / Access Control, open the Encrypt panel and define a PW
  • Add TPM to VM

Check TPM

Start the VM and check if TPM is available:

Open Run Prompt: win + r
Run: tpm.msc

Or use the following PowerShell command:

# Check if TPM is available

# Shell Output:
TpmPresent                : True
TpmReady                  : True
TpmEnabled                : True
TpmActivated              : True
TpmOwned                  : True
RestartPending            : False
ManufacturerId            : 1447909120
ManufacturerIdTxt         : VMW 
ManufacturerVersion       :                       
ManufacturerVersionFull20 :                                                                         
ManagedAuthLevel          : Full
OwnerAuth                 : 6Pk1jQE0RDJ+LefE/mzh7XB6/UY= 
OwnerClearDisabled        : False
AutoProvisioning          : Enabled
LockedOut                 : False
LockoutHealTime           : 10 minutes
LockoutCount              : 0
LockoutMax                : 31
SelfTest                  : {}

# List TPM details
Get-WmiObject -Namespace "Root\CIMv2\Security\MicrosoftTpm" -Class Win32_Tpm

# Shell Output:
__GENUS                     : 2
__CLASS                     : Win32_Tpm
__SUPERCLASS                : 
__DYNASTY                   : Win32_Tpm
__RELPATH                   : Win32_Tpm=@
__PROPERTY_COUNT            : 10
__DERIVATION                : {}
__SERVER                    : JKW-W10-02
__NAMESPACE                 : Root\CIMv2\Security\MicrosoftTpm
__PATH                      : \\JKW-W10-02\Root\CIMv2\Security\MicrosoftTpm:Win32_Tpm=@
IsActivated_InitialValue    : True
IsEnabled_InitialValue      : True
IsOwned_InitialValue        : True
ManufacturerId              : 1447909120
ManufacturerIdTxt           : VMW
ManufacturerVersion         :
ManufacturerVersionFull20   :
ManufacturerVersionInfo     : VMware TPM2     
PhysicalPresenceVersionInfo : 1.3
SpecVersion                 : 2.0, 0, 1.16
PSComputerName              : JKW-W10-02

Windows Server

Add Roles and Features

Add the following feature: Bitlocker Drive Encryption Administration Utility

Or install it with PowerShell

# Install the BitLocker management tools on Windows Server
Install-WindowsFeature BitLocker -IncludeAllSubFeature -IncludeManagementTools

Active Directory Requirements to Use BitLocker

# Verify if AD schema version has attributes required to store BitLocker recovery keys in Active Directory
Get-ADObject -SearchBase ((GET-ADRootDSE).SchemaNamingContext) -Filter {Name -like 'ms-FVE-*'}v| Format-List

# Shell Output:
DistinguishedName : CN=ms-FVE-KeyPackage,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=jklug,DC=work
Name              : ms-FVE-KeyPackage
ObjectClass       : attributeSchema
ObjectGUID        : 7a92eb24-60cf-4f95-a866-258a168b0838

DistinguishedName : CN=ms-FVE-RecoveryGuid,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=jklug,DC=work
Name              : ms-FVE-RecoveryGuid
ObjectClass       : attributeSchema
ObjectGUID        : b2d19580-61fc-4eb6-80f9-bd61fa396371

DistinguishedName : CN=ms-FVE-RecoveryInformation,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=jklug,DC=work
Name              : ms-FVE-RecoveryInformation
ObjectClass       : classSchema
ObjectGUID        : 00746808-a932-4464-89c8-0842ea6b61f0

DistinguishedName : CN=ms-FVE-RecoveryPassword,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=jklug,DC=work
Name              : ms-FVE-RecoveryPassword
ObjectClass       : attributeSchema
ObjectGUID        : bba33f00-4cb4-4f19-b00f-ec54e5f360b8

DistinguishedName : CN=ms-FVE-VolumeGuid,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=jklug,DC=work
Name              : ms-FVE-VolumeGuid
ObjectClass       : attributeSchema
ObjectGUID        : 9f89a9ec-6290-471a-81c4-bd42f35453dd

Active Directory & GPO

Open Active Directory Users and Computers and create a new Organizational Unit for the Bitlocker-Devices, in my case the OU is just called “Bitlocker-Devices”.

Open Group Policy Management and create a new Group Policy Object for the Bitlocker settings, in my case it’s called “Bitlocker”.

Right click the Organizational Unit and link the GPO to the unit:

GPO Settings

Edit the GPO as follows:

# Expand the GPO sections:
Computer Configuration > Policies > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > BitLocker Drive Encryption:

# Enable this policy and configure it as follows:
Store BitLocker Recovery information in Active Directory Domain Services

Require BitLocker backup to AD DS: Enable

Select BitLocker recovery information to store: Recovery passwords and key packages

Depending on the drives you want to encrypt, select one of the sections that are present under: BitLocker Drive Encryption

  • Fixed Data Drives
  • Operating System Drives
  • Removable Data Drives

Fixed Data Drives

Configure use of password for fixed data drvies

Configure use of password for fixed data drvies: Enabled

Minimum password length for fixed data drive: 12

Choose how Bitlocker-protected fixed data drives can be recovered

Choose how Bitlocker-protected fixed data drives can be recovered: Enabled

Allow data recovery agent: Checked
    Allow 48-digit recovery password
    Allow 256-bit recovery key

Omit recovery options from the BitLocker setup wizzard: Checked

Save BitLocker recovery information to AD DS for removeable data drives: Checked

Configure storage of BitLocker recovery information to AD DS: Backup recovery passwordsand key packages

Do not enable BitLocker until recovery information is stroed to AD DS for removable data drives: Checked

Operating System Drives

Require additional authentication at startup

Require additional authentication at startup: Enabled

# Settings for computer with a TPM
Configure TPM startup: Allow TPM

Configure TPM startup PIN: Allow startup PIN with TPM

Configure TPM startup key: Allow startup key with TPM

Configure TPM startup key and PIN: Allow startup key and PIN with TPM

Configure minimum PIN length for startup

Configure minimum PIN length for startup: Enabled

Minimum characters: 6

Choose how BitLocker-protected operating system drives can be recovered

Choose how BitLocker-protected operating system drives can be recovered: Enabled

Allow data recovery agent: CHecked

Configure user storage of BitLocker recovery information:
    Allow 48-digit recovery password
    Allow 256-bit recovery key

Omit recovery options from the BitLocker setup wizard: Checked

Save BitLocker recovery information to AD DS for operating system drives: Checked

Configure storage of BitLocker recovery information to AD DS: Store recovery passwords and key packages

Do not enable BitLocker unit recovery information is stored to AD DS for operating system drives: Checked

Removable Data Drives

Control use of BitLocker on removable drive

Control use of BitLocker on removable drives: Enabled

Allow users to apply BitLocker protection on removable data drives: Checked

Choose how BitLocker-protected removable drives can be recovered

Choose how BitLocker-protected removable drives can be recovered: Enabled

Allow data recovery agent: Checked
    Allow 48-digit recovery password
    Allow 256-bit recovery key

Omit recovery options from the BitLocker setup wizzard: Checked

Save BitLocker recovery information to AD DS for removeable data drives: Checked

Configure storage of BitLocker recovery information to AD DS: Backup recovery passwordsand key packages

Do not enable BitLocker until recovery information is stroed to AD DS for removable data drives: Checked

Enfore the Policy

Right click on the GPO and click “Enforced”.


Check if the Group Policy does already apply to the VM, run PowerShell as Administrator

# List policy for computer 
gpresult /r /scope computer

# Shell Output
RSOP data for  on JKW-W10-01 : Logging Mode

OS Configuration:            Member Workstation
OS Version:                  10.0.19044
Site Name:                   Default-First-Site-Name
Roaming Profile:             
Local Profile:               
Connected over a slow link?: No

    Last time Group Policy was applied: 7/25/2023 at 4:14:01 PM
    Group Policy was applied from:
    Group Policy slow link threshold:   500 kbps
    Domain Name:                        JKLUG
    Domain Type:                        Windows 2008 or later

    Applied Group Policy Objects
        Bitlocker # Your GPO should be listed here
        Default Domain Policy

    The following GPOs were not applied because they were filtered out
        Richtlinien der lokalen Gruppe
            Filtering:  Not Applied (Empty)

    The computer is a part of the following security groups
        Authentifizierte Benutzer
        Diese Organisation
        Domain Computers
        Von der Authentifizierungsstelle besttigte ID

If not reboot the VM or update the policy

#Update GPO:
gpupdate /force

Enable Bitlocker

Note: The Enable-BitLocker cmdlet lets you specify only one combination from the key protectors. Use the Add-BitLockerKeyProtector cmdlet to add more key protectors later on.


TPM automatically unlocks the drive during system startup. A random 48-digit recovery password will be generated automatically.

# Encrypt Drive:
Enable-Bitlocker -MountPoint "C:" -UsedSpaceOnly -RecoveryPasswordProtector

# Shell Output:

1. Save this numerical recovery password in a secure location away from your computer:


To prevent data loss, save this password immediately. This password helps ensure that you can unlock the encryp
ted volume.

   ComputerName: JKW-W10-01

VolumeType      Mount CapacityGB VolumeStatus           Encryption KeyProtector              AutoUnlock Protec
                Point                                   Percentage                           Enabled    tionSt
----------      ----- ---------- ------------           ---------- ------------              ---------- ------
OperatingSystem C:         59.38 EncryptionInProgress   65         {Tpm, RecoveryPassword}              Off   
# Follow Encryption Progress
Get-BitLockerVolume -MountPoint "C:" | Format-List

# Shell Output:
ComputerName         : JKW-W10-01
MountPoint           : C:
EncryptionMethod     : XtsAes128
AutoUnlockEnabled    : 
AutoUnlockKeyStored  : False
MetadataVersion      : 2
VolumeStatus         : EncryptionInProgress
ProtectionStatus     : Off
LockStatus           : Unlocked
EncryptionPercentage : 92 # Wait till it's completed
WipePercentage       : 0
VolumeType           : OperatingSystem
CapacityGB           : 59.38076
KeyProtector         : {Tpm, RecoveryPassword}

Add Bitlocker KeyProtector

To add another KeyProtector proceed as follows:

# Add a PIN KeyProtector
$SecureString = ConvertTo-SecureString "654321" -AsPlainText -Force
Add-BitLockerKeyProtector -MountPoint "C:" -Pin $SecureString -TpmAndPinProtector

List Recovery Key in AD

Open Active Directory Users and Computers, open the Organizational Unit “Bitlocker-Devices” and open the properties of your client:

Or use PowerShell

# Define Computer Name
$ComputerName = "JKW-W10-01"
# List Bitlocker Recovery Key
Get-ADObject -Filter 'objectClass -eq "msFVE-RecoveryInformation"' -SearchBase (Get-ADComputer $ComputerName).DistinguishedName -Property msFVE-RecoveryPassword | Format-Table msFVE-RecoveryPassword

#Shell Output:

List Recovery Key on Client

# List Bitlocker KeyProtector Password
manage-bde -protectors -get c:

# shell Output:
BitLocker-Laufwerkverschlsselung: Konfigurationstool, Version 10.0.19041
Copyright (C) 2013 Microsoft Corporation. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.

Volume "C:" []
Alle Schluesselschutzvorrichtungen

    Numerisches Kennwort:
      ID: {7760E06A-8CAE-476D-B776-2B18793A69E0} # Nummerical Password ID

    TPM und PIN:
      ID: {56E6792D-EE6C-4349-8D2F-C97DBB195150}
        0, 2, 4, 11

Manaully save Recovery Key to AD

If the Domain Controller was not reachable during the creation of the recovery password, you can manually save it to Active Directory.

# Save Recovery Key to Active Directory: Use the Nummerical Password ID
manage-bde -protectors -adbackup c: -id {7760E06A-8CAE-476D-B776-2B18793A69E0}

# Shell Output
Recovery information was successfully backed up to Active Directory.

Suspend and Disable Bitlocker

Suspend Bitlocker Encryption

# Suspend Bitlocker: Till manually resumed
Suspend-BitLocker -MountPoint "C:" -RebootCount 0

# Resume Bitlocker
Resume-BitLocker -MountPoint "C:"

While suspended, BitLocker does not validate system integrity at start up. You might suspend BitLocker protection for firmware upgrades or system updates. You can specify the number of times that a computer restarts before the BitLocker suspension ends by using the RebootCount parameter.

  • RebootCount Specify a value between 0 to 15

Disable Bitlocker Enryption

# Disable BitLocker protection 
Disable-BitLocker -MountPoint "C:"

# Check Decryption Status: List Output
Get-BitLockerVolume -MountPoint "C:" | Format-List

# Shell Output:
ComputerName         : JKW-W10-01
MountPoint           : C:
EncryptionMethod     : None
AutoUnlockEnabled    : 
AutoUnlockKeyStored  : 
MetadataVersion      : 0
VolumeStatus         : FullyDecrypted # Wait till complete
ProtectionStatus     : Off
LockStatus           : Unlocked
EncryptionPercentage : 0
WipePercentage       : 0
VolumeType           : OperatingSystem
CapacityGB           : 59.38076
KeyProtector         : {}

Remove Bitlocker protector

Note: If you remove all Bitlocker KeyProtectors before you disable Bitlocker, there is no way to unlock Bitlocker!

List KeyProtectorId

# Display all KeyProtectors for the volume
$BitLockerVolume = Get-BitLockerVolume -MountPoint "C:"
$BitLockerVolume.KeyProtector | Format-Table

Shell Output:

KeyProtectorId                         AutoUnlockProtector KeyProtectorType KeyFileName RecoveryPassword      
--------------                         ------------------- ---------------- ----------- ----------------      
{7760E06A-8CAE-476D-B776-2B18793A69E0}                     RecoveryPassword             605869-464398-32475...
{EAE9721D-FB58-4B19-83D4-648E6580AC0A}                               TpmPin                                   

Remove KeyProtector: Interactive

Use the following command to remove a Bitlocker protector, you are asked to provide the “KeyProtectorId”:

# Remove existing PIN protector
Remove-BitLockerKeyProtector -MountPoint "C:"

# Shell Output:
cmdlet Remove-BitLockerKeyProtector at command pipeline position 1
Supply values for the following parameters:
KeyProtectorId: {4D776F3E-910C-48A0-8A3D-E8A6F1E43CEB} # Enter your KeyProtector Id

   ComputerName: JKW-W10-01

VolumeType      Mount CapacityGB VolumeStatus           Encryption KeyProtector              AutoUnlock Protection
                Point                                   Percentage                           Enabled    Status    
----------      ----- ---------- ------------           ---------- ------------              ---------- ----------
OperatingSystem C:         59.38 FullyDecrypted         0          {}                                   Off       

Remove KeyProtector: Command

Use the following command the remove a Bitlocker protector and provide the “KeyProtectorId” with the command:

# Remove the RecoveryPassword protector
Remove-BitLockerKeyProtector -MountPoint "C:" -KeyProtectorId "{EAE9721D-FB58-4B19-83D4-648E6580AC0A}"