Prerequisites #
S3 Bucket #
Create a S3 Bucket with standard settings, “Block all public access” should be enabled by default. In my case the S3 Buclet os named “”.
IAM Permission #
Create an IAM Policy and add the following JSON permission:
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Sid": "ReadWriteS3"
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Sid": ""
Replace “” with the actual name of your S3 Bucket. The Policy will grant the SFTP user read and write permissions.
IAM Role #
Create a new IAM Role and selct “Transfer” in the usecase drop-down menu:
And add the IAM Policy to the Role:
AWS Family Transfer #
SFTP Server #
Open the AWS Web Console:
Click “Create server” and select “SFTP” as protocol:
Select “Service managed” as identity provider type:
Select “Amazon Route53 DNS alias” in case you are already using AWS Route 53, otherwise selct “None”:
Select “Amazon S3” as storage service:
Create a new role for the CloudWatch logs and leave the rest of the settings by default / create the SFTP server:
Wait till the state of the SFTP server moves to “Online”:
SFTP User #
Create a new SFTP user and select the earlier created IAM Role and the S3 Bucket:
Add an OpenSSH RSA public SSH key and add the new user:
Connect to SFTP Server #
WinSCP Settings #
Open WinSCP, add the SFTP server and user name and open the “Advanced” session settings:
Add your private SSH key:
Connect to the SFTP server. Note when you upload a file you probably get the following error message. This is because the S3 API does not allow to set a timestamp value to an uploaded file.
Open the WinSCP settings / Transfer and edit the default preset:
Disable the “Preserve timestamp” setting: