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Arch Linux - Manual Installation with LVM, KDE Plasma 6 Desktop

3107 words·
Arch KDE Plasma Linux
Table of Contents

VMware Workstation

Guest Operating System

Guest operating system Linux

Version Òther Linux 6.x kernel 64-bit


Open the Virtual Machine Settings

  • Select the Options tab

  • Select Advanced > Firmware type UEFI


  • Boot from the ISO file

  • Select Arch Linux install medium (x86_64, x64 UEFI) from the GRUB Bootloader

Installation Wizard

# Start installation wizard

Manual Installation


Keyboard Layout

# Set keyboard layout to german
loadkeys de


# Set timezone
timedatectl set-timezone Europe/Vienna

# Check time / date
timedatectl status

Enable Parallel Downloads

# Open package manager configuration
nvim /etc/pacman.conf

# Uncomment: Allow 5 parallel downloads
ParallelDownload = 5

Terminal Font

  • Optinal: Set the terminal font
# Set bigger terminal font
setfont ter-124b # or
setfont ter-132b

# Reset to default terminal font


  • Optional: Verify the system is booted in UEFI mode and has a 64-bit x64 UEFI
# Verify the boot mode
cat /sys/firmware/efi/fw_platform_size

# Shell output:
  • Optional: Test network connection
# Test network connectivity

Create Partitions

Optional: Find disk name

# List disks & partition layouts
fdisk -l

# Shell output:
Disk /dev/sda
  • Create the partitions
# Create partitions 

# Select label type:
gpt # (GUID Partition Table)
# Create Boot partition
New # Select / Enter

# Partition size:
1G # Enter
# Create Swap partition
free space # Sroll down
New # Select / Enter

# Partition size:
4G # Enter
# Create EFI system partition
free space # Sroll down
New # Select / Enter

# Partition size:
45G # Enter
write # Select / Enter

# Are you sure you want to write the partition table to disk?

Quit # Select / Enter

Create File System

  • Create the EFI file system
# Create an EFI file system
mkfs.fat -F32 /dev/sda1
  • Create swap file
#  Mark the partition as swap space
mkswap /dev/sda2

# Enable the swapfile
swapon /dev/sda2


# Create physical volume
pvcreate /dev/sda3

# Create new volumegroup
vgcreate vg_kali /dev/sda3

# Create LV: storage in %
lvcreate -n lv_kali -l 100%FREE vg_kali
# Create ext4 filesystem on root partition
mkfs.ext4 /dev/vg_kali/lv_kali

Mount File System

# Mount the root partition
mount /dev/vg_kali/lv_kali /mnt

# Create the boot directory
mkdir /mnt/boot

# Mount the boot partition
mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/boot

Install Arch Base System

# Install the Arch Linux base system
pacstrap /mnt base base-devel linux linux-firmware grub efibootmgr networkmanager lvm2 neovim


# Generate fstab file
genfstab -U /mnt >> /mnt/etc/fstab

Change Root

# Change Root into the new system
arch-chroot /mnt

Time Zone

# Set the time zone
ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Vienna /etc/localtime

# Generate /etc/adjtime file
hwclock --systohc


# Open local.gen file
nvim /etc/locale.gen

# Uncomment 
en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8

# Generate the /etc/locale.conf file 

# Create locale.conf
echo "LANG=en_US.UTF-8" > /etc/locale.conf

Keyboard Layout

# Open vconsole.conf
nvim /etc/vconsole.conf

# Define keyboard layout


# Define the hostname
echo "arch" > /etc/hostname

Root PW

# Set root pw


# Edit mkinitcpio.conf 
nvim /etc/mkinitcpio.conf

# Add support for lvm2: Insert "lvm2" between block and filesystems
HOOKS=(base udev autodetect microcode modconf mks keyboard keymap consolefont block lvm2 filesystems fsck)

# Creating a new initramfs: Necessary with LVM
mkinitcpio -P
# The following warnings can be ignored:
==> WARNING: Possibly missing firmware for module: `qla2xxx`
==> WARNING: Possibly missing firmware for module: `qed`
==> WARNING: Possibly missing firmware for module: `bfa`
==> WARNING: Possibly missing firmware for module: `aic94xx`
==> WARNING: Possibly missing firmware for module: `qla1280`
==> WARNING: Possibly missing firmware for module: `wd719x`
==> WARNING: Possibly missing firmware for module: `xhci_pci`

Hooks Explanation:

  • base Basic init script needed to mount the root filesystem

  • udev For dynamic device management in the /dev directory

  • autodetect Skips modules not necessary for the hardware. Minimizes the initramfs size by only including modules necessary for booting the system as detected at build time

  • modconf - Allows for custom module options to be specified in /etc/modprobe.d

  • block For block device support (hard drives and SSDs)

  • lvm2 Necessary for recognizing and using LVM volumes

  • filesystems For filesystem support

  • keyboard For keyboard layout

  • fsck Filesystem check tools

Install the Boot Loader

# Install GRUB
grub-install --target=x86_64-efi --efi-directory=/boot --bootloader-id=GRUB
# Configure GRUB to load LVM module
nvim /etc/default/grub

# Add lvm to the following line
GRUB_PRELOAD_MODULES="part_gpt part_msdos lvm"
# Generate and save the GRUB configuration file
grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg

Exit and Reboot

# Exit Chroot

# Unmount
umount -R /mnt

# Reboot the system

Arch Linux

After the reboot you should be able to login with root and the defined password.

Start Network Manager

# Start NetworkManager
systemctl start NetworkManager

# Enable service after boot
systemctl enable NetworkManager


Install OpenSSH

# Install OpenSSH
pacman -S openssh -y

# Start SSH service
systemctl start sshd

# Enable service after boot
systemctl enable sshd

Root Login over SSH

# Open sshd-config

# Disable root login
PermitRootLogin no

# Enable root login: Only with authentication methods other than passwords
PermitRootLogin prohibit-password

# Enable root login: Including password authentication
PermitRootLogin yes

# Restart SSH service
systemctl restart sshd

User & Sudo

  • Create new user
# Create user
useradd -m -G wheel -s /bin/bash username

# Set password for user
passwd username
  • Install sudo
# Install sudo
pacman -S sudo -y
  • Edit sudoers file
# Edit sudoers file
EDITOR=nvim visudo

# Uncomment: Allows all members of the "wheel" group to execute any command using sudo
%wheel ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL

# Uncomment: No password for sudo

Update & Upgrade

# Update repositorie database & pgrade installed packages 
pacman -Syu

VMware Tools

# Install OpenVM Tools
sudo pacman -S open-vm-tools

# Enable and start the VMware tools service
sudo systemctl enable --now vmtoolsd.service

# check status
systemctl status vmtoolsd.service
# Enable and start the VMware tools daemon for desktop environments (GUI only)
sudo systemctl enable --now vmware-vmblock-fuse.service

# Check status
systemctl status vmware-vmblock-fuse.service

Other Packages

# Bash completion
sudo pacman -S bash-completion -y


KDE Plasma

So far I could only get the Plasma Desktop to run in X11 mode, the Wayland version only outputs a black display.

Simple Desktop Display Manager

# Install SDDM (Simple Desktop Display Manager)
sudo pacman -S sddm -y

# Enable SDDM after boot
sudo systemctl enable sddm

Install Plasma

# Install Plasma
sudo pacman -S plasma xorg

# Shell output:
:: There are 60 members in group plasma:
:: Repository extra
   1) bluedevil  2) breeze  3) breeze-gtk  4) breeze-plymouth  5) discover  6) drkonqi  7) flatpak-kcm  8) kactivitymanagerd  9) kde-cli-tools  10) kde-gtk-config  11) kdecoration  12) kdeplasma-addons  13) kgamma
   14) kglobalacceld  15) kinfocenter  16) kmenuedit  17) kpipewire  18) kscreen  19) kscreenlocker  20) ksshaskpass  21) ksystemstats  22) kwallet-pam  23) kwayland  24) kwayland-integration  25) kwin  26) kwrited
   27) layer-shell-qt  28) libkscreen  29) libksysguard  30) libplasma  31) milou  32) ocean-sound-theme  33) oxygen  34) oxygen-sounds  35) plasma-activities  36) plasma-activities-stats
   37) plasma-browser-integration  38) plasma-desktop  39) plasma-disks  40) plasma-firewall  41) plasma-integration  42) plasma-nm  43) plasma-pa  44) plasma-sdk  45) plasma-systemmonitor  46) plasma-thunderbolt
   47) plasma-vault  48) plasma-welcome  49) plasma-workspace  50) plasma-workspace-wallpapers  51) plasma5support  52) plymouth-kcm  53) polkit-kde-agent  54) powerdevil  55) print-manager  56) qqc2-breeze-style
   57) sddm-kcm  58) systemsettings  59) wacomtablet  60) xdg-desktop-portal-kde

Enter a selection (default=all): # Enter (Install all packages)

Note: Use the default version for all other packages.

KDE Applications

  • Optional: Install KDE Applications
# Install KDE Applications: All
sudo pacman -S kde-applications

# Install KDE Applications: List available applications
sudo pacman -Ss kde-applications

# Install application: For example Konsole & Dolphin
sudo sudo pacman -S konsole dolphin ark kwrite kcalc spectacle krunner partitionmanager packagekit-qt5
Available KDE Applications
extra/akonadi-calendar-tools 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-pim)
    CLI tools to manage akonadi calendars
extra/akonadi-import-wizard 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-pim)
    Import data from other mail clients to KMail
extra/akonadiconsole 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-pim)
    Akonadi management and debugging console
extra/akregator 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-pim)
    A Feed Reader by KDE
extra/alligator 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-network)
    Kirigami-based RSS reader
extra/angelfish 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-network)
    Web browser for Plasma Mobile
extra/arianna 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-graphics)
    EPub Reader for mobile devices
extra/ark 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-utilities)
    Archiving Tool
extra/artikulate 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-education)
    Improve your pronunciation by listening to native speakers
extra/audiocd-kio 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-multimedia)
    Kioslave for accessing audio CDs
extra/audiotube 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-multimedia)
    Client for YouTube Music
extra/blinken 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-education)
    Memory Enhancement Game
extra/bomber 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-games)
    A single player arcade game
extra/bovo 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-games)
    A Gomoku like game for two players
extra/cantor 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-education)
    KDE Frontend to Mathematical Software
extra/cervisia 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kdesdk)
    CVS Frontend
extra/colord-kde 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-graphics)
    Interfaces and session daemon to colord for KDE
extra/dolphin 24.02.0-2 (kde-applications kde-system)
    KDE File Manager
extra/dolphin-plugins 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kdesdk)
    Extra Dolphin plugins
extra/dragon 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-multimedia)
    A multimedia player where the focus is on simplicity, instead of features
extra/elisa 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-multimedia)
    A simple music player aiming to provide a nice experience for its users
extra/falkon 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-network)
    Cross-platform QtWebEngine browser
extra/ffmpegthumbs 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-multimedia)
    FFmpeg-based thumbnail creator for video files
extra/filelight 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-utilities)
    View disk usage information
extra/ghostwriter 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-office)
    Aesthetic, distraction-free Markdown editor
extra/granatier 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-games)
    A clone of the classic Bomberman game
extra/grantlee-editor 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-pim)
    Editor for Grantlee themes
extra/gwenview 24.02.0-3 (kde-applications kde-graphics)
    A fast and easy to use image viewer
extra/isoimagewriter 24.02.0-2 (kde-applications kde-utilities)
    Program to write hybrid ISO files onto USB disks
extra/itinerary 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-pim)
    Itinerary and boarding pass management application
extra/juk 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-multimedia)
    A jukebox, tagger and music collection manager
extra/k3b 1:24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-multimedia)
    Feature-rich and easy to handle CD burning application
extra/kaddressbook 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-pim)
    KDE contact manager
extra/kajongg 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-games)
    The ancient Chinese board game for 4 players
extra/kalarm 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-pim)
    Personal alarm scheduler
extra/kalgebra 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-education)
    Graph Calculator
extra/kalk 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-utilities)
    A powerful cross-platform calculator application built with the Kirigami framework
extra/kalzium 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-education)
    Periodic Table of Elements
extra/kamera 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-graphics)
    KDE integration for gphoto2 cameras
extra/kamoso 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-multimedia)
    A webcam recorder from KDE community
extra/kanagram 24.02.0-2 (kde-applications kde-education)
    Letter Order Game
extra/kapman 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-games)
    A clone of the well known game Pac-Man
extra/kapptemplate 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kdesdk)
    KDE Template Generator
extra/kasts 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-multimedia)
    Kirigami-based podcast player
extra/kate 24.02.0-3 (kde-applications kde-utilities)
    Advanced text editor
extra/katomic 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-games)
    A fun and educational game built around molecular geometry
extra/kbackup 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-utilities)
    A program that lets you back up any directories or files
extra/kblackbox 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-games)
    A game of hide and seek played on a grid of boxes
extra/kblocks 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-games)
    The classic falling blocks game
extra/kbounce 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-games)
    A single player arcade game with the elements of puzzle
extra/kbreakout 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-games)
    A Breakout-like game
extra/kbruch 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-education)
    Exercise Fractions
extra/kcachegrind 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kdesdk)
    Visualization of Performance Profiling Data
extra/kcalc 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-utilities)
    Scientific Calculator
extra/kcharselect 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-utilities)
    Character Selector
extra/kclock 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications utilities)
    Clock app for Plasma Mobile
extra/kcolorchooser 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-graphics)
    Color Chooser
extra/kcron 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-system)
    Configure and schedule tasks
extra/kde-applications-meta 24.02-2
    Meta package for KDE Applications
extra/kde-dev-scripts 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kdesdk)
    Scripts and setting files useful during development of KDE software
extra/kde-dev-utils 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kdesdk)
    Small utilities for developers using KDE/Qt libs/frameworks
extra/kde-inotify-survey 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-system)
    Tooling for monitoring inotify limits and informing the user when they have been or about to be reached
extra/kdebugsettings 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-utilities)
    An application to enable/disable qCDebug
extra/kdeconnect 24.02.0-2 (kde-applications kde-network)
    Adds communication between KDE and your smartphone
extra/kdegraphics-thumbnailers 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-graphics)
    Thumbnailers for various graphics file formats
extra/kdenetwork-filesharing 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-network)
    Properties dialog plugin to share a directory with the local network
extra/kdenlive 24.02.0-2 (kde-applications kde-multimedia)
    A non-linear video editor for Linux using the MLT video framework
extra/kdepim-addons 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-pim)
    Addons for KDE PIM applications
extra/kdesdk-kio 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kdesdk)
    KDE SDK KIO-Slaves
extra/kdesdk-thumbnailers 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kdesdk)
    Plugins for the thumbnailing system
extra/kdevelop 24.02.0-2 (kde-applications kdevelop)
    C++ IDE using KDE technologies
extra/kdevelop-php 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kdevelop)
    PHP language and documentation plugin for KDevelop
extra/kdevelop-python 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kdevelop)
    Python language and documentation plugin for KDevelop
extra/kdf 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-utilities)
    View Disk Usage
extra/kdialog 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-utilities)
    A utility for displaying dialog boxes from shell scripts
extra/kdiamond 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-games)
    A single player puzzle game
extra/keditbookmarks 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-utilities)
    Bookmark Organizer and Editor
extra/keysmith 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-utilities)
    OTP client for Plasma Mobile and Desktop
extra/kfind 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-utilities)
    Find Files/Folders
extra/kfourinline 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-games)
    A four-in-a-row game
extra/kgeography 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-education)
    Geography Trainer
extra/kget 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-network)
    Download Manager
extra/kgoldrunner 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-games)
    A game of action and puzzle solving
extra/kgpg 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-utilities)
    A GnuPG frontend
extra/khangman 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-education)
    Hangman Game
extra/khelpcenter 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-system)
    Application to show KDE Applications documentation
extra/kig 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-education)
    Interactive Geometry
extra/kigo 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-games)
    An open-source implementation of the popular Go game
extra/killbots 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-games)
    A simple game of evading killer robots
extra/kimagemapeditor 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-graphics)
    HTML Image Map Editor
extra/kio-admin 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-system)
    Manage files as administrator using the admin:// KIO protocol
extra/kio-extras 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-network) [installed]
    Additional components to increase the functionality of KIO
extra/kio-gdrive 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-network)
    KIO Slave to access Google Drive
extra/kio-zeroconf 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-network)
    Network Monitor for DNS-SD services (Zeroconf)
extra/kirigami-gallery 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kdesdk)
    Gallery application built using Kirigami
extra/kiriki 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-games)
    An addictive and fun dice game
extra/kiten 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-education)
    Japanese Reference/Study Tool
extra/kjournald 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-system)
    Framework for interacting with systemd-journald
extra/kjumpingcube 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-games)
    A simple tactical game
extra/kleopatra 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-pim)
    Certificate Manager and Unified Crypto GUI
extra/klettres 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-education)
    Learn The Alphabet
extra/klickety 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-games)
    An adaptation of the Clickomania game
extra/klines 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-games)
    A simple but highly addictive one player game
extra/kmag 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-accessibility)
    Screen Magnifier
extra/kmahjongg 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-games)
    A tile matching game for one or two players
extra/kmail 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-pim)
    KDE mail client
extra/kmail-account-wizard 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-pim)
    KMail account wizard
extra/kmines 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-games)
    The classic Minesweeper game
extra/kmix 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-multimedia)
    KDE volume control program
extra/kmousetool 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-accessibility)
    Clicks the mouse for you, reducing the effects of RSI
extra/kmouth 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-accessibility)
    Speech Synthesizer Frontend
extra/kmplot 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-education)
    Mathematical Function Plotter
extra/knavalbattle 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-games)
    A ship sinking game
extra/knetwalk 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-games)
    Connect all the terminals to the server, in as few turns as possible
extra/knights 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-games)
    Chess board by KDE with XBoard protocol support
extra/knotes 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-pim)
    Popup notes
extra/koko 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-graphics)
    Image gallery application
extra/kolf 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-games)
    A miniature golf game with 2d top-down view
extra/kollision 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-games)
    A simple ball dodging game
extra/kolourpaint 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-graphics)
    Paint Program
extra/kompare 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kdesdk)
    Graphical file differences tool
extra/kongress 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-utilities)
    Companion application for conferences
extra/konqueror 24.02.0-2 (kde-applications kde-network)
    KDE File Manager & Web Browser
extra/konquest 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-games)
    The KDE version of Gnu-Lactic
extra/konsole 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-utilities)
    KDE terminal emulator
extra/kontact 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-pim)
    KDE Personal Information Manager
extra/kontrast 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-accessibility)
    Tool to check contrast for colors that allows verifying that your colors are correctly accessible
extra/konversation 24.02.0-3 (kde-applications kde-network)
    A user-friendly and fully-featured IRC client
extra/korganizer 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-pim)
    Calendar and scheduling Program
extra/kpat 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-games)
    Offers a selection of solitaire card games
extra/krdc 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-network)
    Remote Desktop Client
extra/krecorder 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-utilities)
    Audio recorder for Plasma Mobile and other platforms
extra/kreversi 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-games)
    A simple one player strategy game played against the computer
extra/krfb 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-network)
    Desktop Sharing
extra/kruler 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-graphics)
    Screen Ruler
extra/kshisen 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-games)
    A solitaire-like game played using the standard set of Mahjong tiles
extra/ksirk 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-games)
    A computerized version of a well known strategy game
extra/ksnakeduel 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-games)
    A simple snake duel game
extra/kspaceduel 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-games)
    Each of two possible players controls a satellite spaceship orbiting the sun
extra/ksquares 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-games)
    A game modeled after the well known pen and paper based game of Dots and Boxes
extra/ksudoku 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-games)
    A logic-based symbol placement puzzle
extra/ksystemlog 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-system)
    System log viewer tool
extra/kteatime 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-utilities)
    A handy timer for steeping tea
extra/ktimer 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-utilities)
    Countdown Launcher
extra/ktorrent 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-network)
    A powerful BitTorrent client for KDE
extra/ktouch 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-education)
    Touch Typing Tutor
extra/ktrip 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-utilities)
    Public Transport Assistance for Mobile Devices
extra/ktuberling 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-games)
    A simple constructor game suitable for children and adults alike
extra/kturtle 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-education)
    Educational Programming Environment
extra/kubrick 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-games)
    Based on the famous Rubik's Cube
extra/kwalletmanager 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-utilities)
    Wallet management tool
extra/kwave 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-multimedia)
    A sound editor
extra/kweather 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-utilities)
    Weather application for Plasma Mobile
extra/kwordquiz 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-education)
    Flash Card Trainer
extra/lokalize 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kdesdk)
    Computer-Aided Translation System
extra/lskat 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-games)
    Lieutenant Skat is a fun and engaging card game for two players
extra/marble 24.02.0-2 (kde-applications kde-education)
    Desktop Globe
extra/markdownpart 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-utilities)
    KPart for rendering Markdown content
extra/mbox-importer 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-pim)
    Import mbox files to KMail
extra/merkuro 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-pim)
    A calendar application using Akonadi to sync with external services
extra/minuet 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-education)
    A KDE Software for Music Education
extra/neochat 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-network)
    A client for matrix, the decentralized communication protocol
extra/okular 24.02.0-2 (kde-applications kde-graphics)
    Document Viewer
extra/palapeli 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-games)
    A single-player jigsaw puzzle game
extra/parley 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-education)
    Vocabulary Trainer
extra/partitionmanager 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-system)
    A KDE utility that allows you to manage disks, partitions, and file systems
extra/picmi 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-games)
    A nonogram logic game for KDE
extra/pim-data-exporter 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-pim)
    Import and export KDE PIM settings
extra/pim-sieve-editor 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-pim)
    Mail sieve editor
extra/plasmatube 24.02.0-2 (kde-applications kde-multimedia)
    Kirigami YouTube video player based on QtMultimedia and youtube-dl
extra/poxml 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kdesdk)
    Translates DocBook XML files using gettext po files
extra/rocs 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-education)
    Graph Theory IDE
extra/signon-kwallet-extension 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-network) [installed]
    KWallet integration for signon framework
extra/skanlite 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-graphics)
    Image Scanning Application
extra/skanpage 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-utilities)
    Utility to scan images and multi-page documents
extra/skladnik 0.5.2-1 (kde-applications kde-games)
    An implementation of the Japanese warehouse keeper game Sokoban
extra/spectacle 24.02.0-2 (kde-applications kde-graphics)
    KDE screenshot capture utility
extra/step 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-education)
    Interactive Physical Simulator
extra/svgpart 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-graphics)
    A KPart for viewing SVGs
extra/sweeper 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-utilities)
    System Cleaner
extra/telly-skout 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-utilities)
    Convergent TV guide based on Kirigami
extra/tokodon 24.02.0-2 (kde-applications kde-network)
    A Mastodon client for Plasma
extra/umbrello 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kdesdk)
    UML modeller
extra/yakuake 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-utilities)
    A drop-down terminal emulator based on KDE konsole technology
extra/zanshin 24.02.0-1 (kde-applications kde-pim)
    To-do management application based on Akonadi

Login Screen

  • Optional: Change the default login screen to Plasma Breeze theme
sudo nvim /usr/lib/sddm/sddm.conf.d/default.conf
# default.conf
# Current theme name
 Current=breeze # Set breeze theme


# Reboot
sudo reboot

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