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Linux Commands: General Commands, System Configuration, Package Manager, Network & VLAN Configuration & Firewalls, SSH & Host Keys, Certificates, KVM & SQL
11912 words
Linux Bash Commands
Linux Storage: Mount, Disks, Partitions, Filesystems, LVM, Mdadm, Swapfile, Smartmontools, NFS & Samba
3262 words
Linux Storage Commands
Linux Filetransfer and Backups: SCP, SFTP, Rsync, Rsnapshot, dd, Borg Backup & Netcat
1857 words
Linux Filetransfer Backup Commands
Linux Scripts - Local & SSH Server Setup: Copy SSH Key, Set Hostname & FQDN, Append Hosts Entries, Roate Host Keys, Change IP Address
870 words
Linux Scripts Bash
Linux Rescue: Fix broken initial RAM disk files & Bootloader recovery
822 words
Linux Linux Rescue GRUB Initramfs Initial RAMdisk error Bootloader-Recovery Ubuntu
Linux: Change forgotten root password with init=/bin/bash (change GRUB boot configuration), set GRUB password
330 words
Linux root password GRUB
Linux: Change Linux Kernel, Load Kernel Modules
506 words
Linux Linux Kernel Kernel Modules GRUB Ubuntu
PowerShell Commands and Scripts: Remote Management, Active Directory, Group Policy, Networking, Scheduled Tasks, Licenses
3234 words
PowerShell Commands Active Directory Windows
Docker & Docker Compose Commands
3064 words
Docker Docker-Compose Commands Systemd Service Unit Ansible-Playbook
VMware ESXi & vCenter Setup and Configuration, ESXcli Commands, PowerCLI Commands, VIM-CMD
2135 words
VMware ESXi vCenter ESXcli PowerCLI
VMware Govc: Manage vCenter Resources with Govc
862 words
VMware vCenter Govc
Veeam Backup & Replication - VMware vSphere VM Backups
486 words
Veeam Veeam Backup & Replication VMware vSphere
GitLab Setup: GitLab & GitLab Registry Docker Compose Deployment; GitLab Runner Bare-Metal and Docker Compose Deployment; Configuration & Troubleshooting; Enable GitLab Pages, Enable Mattermost with Focalboard
2273 words
GitLab Docker-Compose GitLab Registry GitLab Runner GitLab Pages Mattermost Focalboard
GitLab Setup: GitLab & GitLab Registry Kubernetes Deployment, GitLab Runner Kubernetes Deployment, GitLab Shell Configuration, CoreDNS Configuration, Enable GitLab Pages; Example CI Pipeline with K8s based GitLab Runner
2414 words
GitLab Kubernetes GitLab Registry GitLab Runner GitLab Pages GitLab Shell SCI Longhorn
Sonarqube - Docker Compose Stack: Code Inspection with GitLab Integration
988 words
Sonarqube PostgreSQL Docker-Compose GitLab GitLab Application
Kubernetes Container Storage Interface (CSI): Samba - Deploy SMB CSI via Helm, Create example PVC and Pod
1006 words
Kubernetes CSI Kubectl Helm Samba
Kubernetes Container Storage Interface (CSI): Longhorn Distributed Block Storage System - Deploy Longhorn via Helm Chart, Define Custom Storage Mountpoints; StorageClass & PVC Example
1712 words
Kubernetes CSI Kubectl Helm Longhorn
Kubernetes Container Storage Interface (CSI): Ceph CSI Driver Example, Dynamically provision RBD Images in a Ceph Storage Pool
1431 words
Kubernetes CSI Kubectl Helm Ceph
Kubernetes Container Storage Interface (CSI): NFS CSI Driver Example, Dynamically create PersistentVolumes using a CSI StorageClass and PVC
1108 words
Kubernetes CSI Kubectl Helm NFS
Kubernetes Commands: Kubectl Autocomplete, Cluster Nodes, Namespaces, LimitRange Resource Limits, Pods, Deployments, Replication Controllers, Services, HPA, Secrets, Cronjobs, Helm, Logs, K9s TUI
3028 words
Kubernetes Kubectl Helm Commands
Kubernetes Troubleshooting: Cluster, Nodes, Pods & Kubelet
765 words
Kubernetes Kubectl
Kubernetes Etcd Snapshot: Etcd Snapshot and Restore with Etcdctl, Verify Etcd Member Health; Etcdctl Commands
1130 words
Kubernetes Kubectl Etcdctl
Kubernetes Kubeconfig: Create example Kubeconfig with new (RBAC) Service Account and ClusterRole / ClusterRole Binding
795 words
Kubernetes Kubectl RBAC
Kubernetes Role Based Access Control (RBAC): RBAC Overview, Create Service Account, Example Role and RoleBinding
854 words
Kubernetes Kubectl RBAC
Kubernetes Jobs: Jobs Overview, Basic Non-parallel & Parallel Job Examples; CronJob & RBAC Example that Restarts a Deployment
1600 words
Kubernetes Kubectl RBAC CronJob
Kubernetes Horizontal Pod Autoscaling: Install Kubernetes Metrics Server, Example Deployment with Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA)
1064 words
Kubernetes Kubectl Kubernetes Metrics Server Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA)
Kubernetes Networking - DNS: CoreDNS custom Hosts entry (K3s & K8s Version), Deployment with custom Hosts entry; Backup and Restore the CoreDNS ConfigMap; DNS Troubleshooting
918 words
Kubernetes Kubectl CoreDNS DNS ConfigMap
Kubernetes Networking - Liveness, Readiness & Startup Probe Examples: Liveness Probe (TCP), Readiness Probes (TCP / Single Pod and Multi Pod Dependency), Startup Probe (Command, TCP & HTTP)
1989 words
Kubernetes Kubectl
Kubernetes Networking - Network Policies: Ingress and Egress Policy Examples
1309 words
Kubernetes Kubectl
Kubernetes Configuration Management - Kustomize: Kustomize Example
971 words
Kubernetes Kustomize Kubectl
Kubernetes Configuration Management - Helm Charts: Create a Custom Helm Chart
1447 words
Kubernetes Kubectl Helm
Kubernetes Labels, Annotations, Affinity / Anti-Affinity, Taints & Tolerations: Node Labeling, Pod Labeling & NodeSelector; Pod Annotations; Node Affinity, Pod Anti-Affinity; Node Taints and Pod Tolerations
1830 words
Kubernetes Kubectl NodeSelector
Kubernetes Sets - StatefulSets: Difference between StatefulSet & ReplcaSet; StatefulSet Example with VolumeClaimTemplate and Stateless Service
1119 words
Kubernetes Kubectl StatefulSets ReplicaSets MongoDB MongoShell StorageClass
Kubernetes Sets - ReplicaSets & DaemonSets: Overview, Example ReplicaSet, Example DaemonSet with and without NodeSelector / Node Labeling
1365 words
Kubernetes Kubectl ReplicaSets DaemonSets NodeSelector
Kubernetes ConfigMaps: Mount ConfigMap to Pod as Volume, Mount ConfigMap as Environment Variable
458 words
Kubernetes Kubectl
Kubernetes Secrets: Opaque Secret Configuration, Pod Examples with Environment Variable Secrets and Volume Secrets; SSH Authentication Secret with Pod Example
731 words
Kubernetes Kubectl
Kubernetes Volumes: Nginx Pod and Deployment Examples with NFS Volume, Pod and Deployment Examples with EmptyDir Volume, Deployment Example with PersistentVolume, External Storage Provider with NFS
2690 words
Kubernetes Kubectl
Kubernetes Security: Pod Security Admission (PSA) - Overview, Enforce Pod Security Standard at a Namespace; Example Nginx Pod SecurityContext for Restricted PSS
725 words
Kubernetes Kubectl
Kubernetes Security: Immutable Deployment - Deploy Container with ReadOnly-Filesystem and Writable-Volume
296 words
Kubernetes Kubectl
Kubernetes Monitoring & Logs: Monitor Applications with top, Monitor Events Pod specific and Cluster wide, Container STDOUT and STDERR Logs
614 words
Kubernetes Kubectl Kubernetes Metrics Server
Kubernetes Resource Management: Deploy Kubernetes Metrics Server, Vish/Stress Container Example, Define Resource Requests and Limits, Verify Resource Usage with kubectl top, Define a LimitRange for a Namespace
1468 words
Kubernetes Kubectl Kubernetes Metrics Server
Kubernetes Services: Example ClusterIP, NodePort & LoadBalancer Services with Expose-Command and YAML Configuration; Service for External Endpoint
1585 words
Kubernetes Kubectl
Kubernetes Kubernetes Deployments & Replication Controllers (Soon Depricated): Example Deployment with Create-Command and YAML Configuration, Scale the Deployment; Example Replication Controller
540 words
Kubernetes Kubectl
Kubernetes Pods: Init & Sidecar Container Overview, Init Container Examples
546 words
Kubernetes Kubectl
Kubernetes Pods: Create Pods with Run-Command and YAML Configuration; Single & Multi Container Pods, Port-Forwarding, Find Container on Worker Node
702 words
Kubernetes Kubectl
Kubernetes Non-Disruptive & Disruptive Configuration Updates: Kubectl Apply, Edit, Patch & Replace; Update Rollouts and Rollbacks with Set Image Command
1010 words
Kubernetes Kubectl
Kubernetes Configuration Manifests: Create Manifests from RAW Output and Dry-Run Command
704 words
Kubernetes Kubectl
DNSmasq: Simple DNS Server
165 words
DNSmasq DNS Ubuntu
Enterprise K8s - OpenShift: Multi Node Cluster Deployment based on vSphere with CLI-based Local Agent, Static IPv4 Network Configuration, HAproxy Load Balancer
1694 words
OpenShift Kubernetes vSphere VMware HAproxy DNSmasq RHEL
Enterprise K8s - OpenShift: Single Node Cluster Deployment based on vSphere with CLI-based Local Agent, Static IPv4 Network Configuration; Deploy Image Registry, Example Deployment from Cluster Web Console
1155 words
OpenShift Kubernetes vSphere VMware RHEL
Enterprise K8s - OpenShift: Multi Node Cluster Deployment based on vSphere with Interactive Installer, Static IPv4 Network Configuration, Example Deployment with Ingress
1199 words
OpenShift Kubernetes vSphere VMware
Enterprise K8s - OpenShift: Single Node Cluster Deployment based on vSphere with Interactive Installer, DHCP Network Configuration
460 words
OpenShift Kubernetes vSphere VMware
K8s Kubeadm - Upgrade Kubernetes Version with Kubeadm
1530 words
Kubernetes Kubernetes Cluster K8s Kubeadm
K8s Kubeadm - High Availability Kubernetes Cluster Deployment with HAproxy and Keepalived, External etcd Cluster
3881 words
Kubernetes Kubernetes Cluster K8s Kubeadm etcd HAproxy Keepalived Ubuntu
K8s Kubeadm - High Availability Kubernetes Cluster Deployment with HAproxy and Keepalived, Pod based stacked etcd Cluster; Cilium Network Add-On, MetalLB & Nginx Ingress Controller, Test-Deployment with TLS Encryption
2905 words
Kubernetes Kubernetes Cluster K8s Kubeadm HAproxy Keepalived MetalLB Nginx Ingress Controller Ubuntu
K8s Kubeadm - Basic Kubernetes Cluster Deployment with one Controller and two Worker Nodes, Containerd and Kubeadmin Cgroup Driver Configuration, Cilium Network Add-On, MetalLB & Nginx Ingress Controller, Test-Deployment with TLS Encryption
2643 words
Kubernetes Kubernetes Cluster K8s Kubeadm MetalLB Nginx Ingress Controller Ubuntu
Automated K8s Cluster - Cluster API vSphere (CAPV): Deploy Kubernetes Cluster on vSphere, with Cluster API from a KIND Management Cluster
1541 words
Kubernetes Kubernetes Cluster Cluster API Kubeadm vSphere KIND
Automated K8s Cluster - Kubespray: Kubernetes Cluster Deployment, MetalLB Configuration, Add & Remove Nodes from the Cluster, Example Deployment with LoadBalancer and NodePort Services
3043 words
Kubernetes Kubernetes Cluster K8s Kubespray MetalLB Kubectl Debian Ansible Python
Lightweight Kubernetes Cluster - RKE2 (Rancher Kubernetes Engine): Deploy a Bare-Metal Kubernetes Cluster based on Ubuntu 24.04 Servers, Add Controller & Worker Nodes, Deploy & Configure MetalLB LoadBalancer, Example Deployment with LoadBalancer Service
1728 words
Kubernetes Kubernetes Cluster RKE2 Rancher MetalLB Ubuntu
Lightweight Kubernetes Cluster - K0s: Deploy a K0s Cluster with K0sctl, Deploy and Configure MetalLB, Deploy Nginx Ingress Controller; Example Deployment with TLS Encryption
1644 words
Kubernetes Kubernetes Cluster K0s MetalLB Nginx Ingress Controller Ubuntu
Lightweight Kubernetes Cluster - K3s: Single and Multi Node Kubernetes Cluster based on Debian 12 Servers, Traefik & Nginx Ingress Controller, Helm Package Manager, Node Labels, Taint Master Node, Deployment Scaling, TLS Encryption with Certbot
2223 words
Kubernetes Kubernetes Cluster K3s Debian Kubectl Helm Certbot
Managed Kubernetes Services - Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE): Install gcloud, Enable APIs, Deploy Regional & Zonal Cluster via gcloud CLI; Exaple Deployment with TLS Encryption via GKE Ingress and Google-managed Certificate
1913 words
Kubernetes Kubernetes Cluster GCP GKE Google Cloud SDK
Managed Kubernetes Services - Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS): Deploy AKS Cluster via AZ CLI; Deploy & Configure Nginx Ingress, Cert Manager, ClusterIssuer; Example Deployment with TLS Encryption
1885 words
Kubernetes Kubernetes Cluster Azure AKS Azure CLI Kubectl
Managed Kubernetes Services - AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) : Deploy EKS Cluster via eksctl; Example Deployment with TLS Encryption with AWS Certificate Manager & Load Balancer Service
1284 words
Kubernetes Kubernetes Cluster AWS EKS Kubectl AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) AWS Elastic Load Balancer (ELB) Route 53
Local Kubernetes Cluster - KIND (Kubernetes in Docker): Installation, Example Deployment with NodePort Service, Install Kubernetes Dashboard
1039 words
Kubernetes Kubernetes Cluster KIND Docker Kubectl
Local Kubernetes Cluster - Minikube with Virtualbox: Installation, Example Pod with Port Forwarding, Example Deployment with NodePort Service
1061 words
Kubernetes Kubernetes Cluster Minikube Virtualbox Kubectl
Velero Open-Source Kubernetes Backups: Velero Helm Deployment, Backup and Restore a Kubernetes Namespace from an AWS S3 Bucket
1072 words
Kubernetes K8s Velero Helm S3
Rancher Kubernetes Management Platform: Cert Manager Helm Deployment, Rancher Helm Deployment with Rancher CA certificate, Export Root CA Certificate, Ingress Resource, Access Rancher with TLS Encryption
1068 words
Kubernetes K3s Rancher Cert Manager Helm
HashiCorp Vault: Kubernetes Secrets with External Secrets Operator (ESO)
1109 words
HashiCorp Vault Kubernetes Kubernetes-Operator External Secrets Operator (ESO) Helm
HashiCorp Vault: Docker Compose Deployment with TLS Encryption and Web-UI, Initial Setup via Vault CLI, Key/Value Secret Example
1136 words
HashiCorp Vault Docker-Compose
PostgreSQL: PostgreSQL HA Cluster Deployment with Kubernetes Operator, Cluster Failover Test, External Access via Master LoadBalancer, Access Postgres Operator UI with TLS encryption
2791 words
PostgreSQL PostgreSQL HA Cluster Postgres Operator Patroni Kubernetes-Operator Kubernetes Helm CSI
PostgreSQL: PostgreSQL Kubernetes Deployment via Helm, PostgreSQL Monitoring via Kube-Prometheus-Stack
2144 words
PostgreSQL Kubernetes Helm Kube-Prometheus-Stack
PostgreSQL: PostgreSQL HA Cluster, Bare-Metal Version with Patroni, HAproxy and Etcd
2690 words
PostgreSQL PostgreSQL HA Cluster Patroni HAproxy etcd Systemd Service Unit Mermaid Flowchart
Kubernetes KubeVirt - Run KVM based Virtual Machines in Kubernetes: Deploy CirrOS example VM, Deploy Debian VM with Cloud-init and DataVolume / PersistentVolumeClaim
1488 words
Kubernetes KubeVirt Kubernetes-Operator KVM CirrOS Debian Cloud-init
Kubernetes Kuberhealthy - Kuberhealthy with Kube-Prometheus-Stack, Example Health Checks
1466 words
Kubernetes Kuberhealthy Prometheus Grafana Kube-Prometheus-Stack Kubernetes-Operator Helm
Ansible AWX: Kubernetes Deployment with AWX Operator, Storage Setup (Storage Class, PersistentVolume with NFS, PersistentVolumeClaim), TLS Encryption with Nginx Ingress and Kubernetes Secret
931 words
Ansible Ansible AWX Kubernetes Kubernetes-Operator Helm
Deploying with Flux: Deploy Manifests from public and private GitHub Repositories into Kubernetes Cluster, Flux Commands
1701 words
Flux GitHub Kubernetes K8s
Deploying with Flux: Deploy Manifests from public and private Repositories into Kubernetes Cluster
1779 words
Flux GitLab Kubernetes K8s
Deploying with Flux: Deploy Manifests from private Repositories of a self-hosted GitLab Instance into Kubernetes Cluster
1526 words
Flux GitLab Kubernetes K8s CoreDNS
Argo CD with GitLab CI, Part 1: Table of Contents, Mermaid Flowchart, Setup Overview
998 words
Argo CD Argo CD CLI GitLab GitLab CI CI Pipeline Kubernetes CoreDNS Python Flask Mermaid Flowchart
Argo CD with GitLab CI, Part 2: GitLab Repositories (Source Code and Pipeline Repository, Helm Chart Repository), Deploy Key for CI Pipeline
1109 words
Argo CD Argo CD CLI GitLab GitLab CI CI Pipeline Kubernetes CoreDNS Python Flask
Argo CD with GitLab CI, Part 3: Setting Up Argo CD, Argo CD CLI and CoreDNS
993 words
Argo CD Argo CD CLI GitLab GitLab CI CI Pipeline Kubernetes CoreDNS Python Flask
Argo CD with GitLab CI, Part 4: Argo CD Configuration (Add GitLab Host Keys, GitLab Registry Kubernetes Secret, Connect GitLab Repository, Deploy Argo CD Application)
1158 words
Argo CD Argo CD CLI GitLab GitLab CI CI Pipeline Kubernetes CoreDNS Python Flask
Prometheus - Docker Compose, Part 1: Prometheus, Alertmanager & Grafana Stack, Linux Server Monitoring with Node Exporter, Alerts via Gmail, Grafana Dashboard
909 words
Prometheus Alertmanager Grafana Node Exporter Docker-Compose Systemd Service Unit Monitoring
Prometheus - Docker Compose, Part 2: SQL Monitoring with MySQL Server Exporter, Grafana Dashboard
738 words
Prometheus Alertmanager Grafana MySQL MySQL Server Exporter Docker-Compose Monitoring
Prometheus - Docker Compose, Part 3: PostgreSQL Monitoring with PostgreSQL Exporter, Grafana Dashboard
587 words
Prometheus Alertmanager Grafana PostgreSQL PostgreSQL Exporter Docker-Compose Monitoring
Prometheus - Docker Compose, Part 4: Nginx
638 words
Prometheus Alertmanager Grafana Nginx Exporter Docker-Compose Monitoring
Prometheus - Docker Compose, Part 5: Python Flask App, Grafana Dashboard
2557 words
Prometheus Alertmanager Grafana Prometheus Flask Exporter Python Flask Docker-Compose Monitoring
Prometheus - Kubernetes K8s Deployment: Prometheus & Node Exporter Helm Deployment, Grafana Deployment with NodePort Service; Detailed Visualization of Kubernetes Metrics with Grafana Dashboard
1132 words
Prometheus Node Exporter Grafana Kubernetes K8s Helm Monitoring
Loki: Automated Promtail Container Deployment with Ansible
1024 words
Loki Promtail Ansible Docker Debian
Loki & Grafana - Kubernetes K8s Deployment with Several Loki Instances for Seperated Data Sources; Nginx Ingress with TLS Secret; Promtail Helm and Docker Container Deployment
2639 words
Loki Grafana Promtail Kubernetes K8s Helm
Loki, Grafana & Promtail Stack - Deployment with Helm Chart in a K3s Kubernetes Cluster, NodePort Service and Traefik Ingress with TLS Secret; Promtail Helm Deployment for External Loki Data Source
1173 words
Loki Grafana Promtail Helm Kubernetes K3s
Loki, Grafana & Traefik - Docker Compose Stack: Deployment with GitLab CI Pipeline, Git Commands
2188 words
Loki Grafana Traefik GitLab GitLab CI CI Pipeline Git
Loki & Grafana - Docker Compose Stack: Promtail Container for Container-, /var/log- and Systemd-Journal Logs; Promtail Bare-Metal for Systemd-Journal Logs; Traefik Reverse Proxy
2280 words
Loki Grafana Promtail Docker-Compose
GitLab CI Pipeline - Build and Push Image to AWS Elastic Container Registry, Deploy Container via AWS Elastic Container Service
1894 words
GitLab GitLab CI CI Pipeline AWS AWS CLI Elastic Container Service (ECS) Elastic Container Registry
GitLab CI Pipeline - Build and Push Image to AWS Elastic Container Registry
589 words
GitLab GitLab CI CI Pipeline AWS AWS CLI Elastic Container Registry
GitLab CI Pipeline - Containerize and Deploy Node.js Express Webserver Application, Publish Jest Integration Test Results via GitLab Pages; Mermaid Pipeline Flowchart
2005 words
GitLab GitLab CI CI Pipeline GitLab Pages Node.js Jest Jest HTML Reporter Multistage Dockerfile Mermaid Flowchart Webserver Unprivileged Container
JavaScript Programming Language: Overview, Node.js Installation with apt and Node Version Manager (NVM), Node Package Manager (npm) Commands, Node.js Examples, Node.js Express Webserver Example with Jest Integration Test and Container Deployment
2673 words
JavaScript Node.js Node Package Manager (npm) Node Version Manager (NVM) YARN Multistage Dockerfile Jest Integration Test Webserver
GitLab CI Pipeline - Containerize and Deploy a Javen Maven Web Application as WAR Package; Container Image Naming Convention
1531 words
GitLab GitLab CI CI Pipeline GitLab Pages Java Maven WAR Multistage Dockerfile Unprivileged Container
GitLab CI Pipeline - Containerize and Deploy a Javen Maven Application as Fat Jar Package, Publish Unit Test Results via GitLab Pages
1453 words
GitLab GitLab CI CI Pipeline GitLab Pages Java Maven Fat Jar Maven Surefire Report Plugin Multistage Dockerfile Unprivileged Container
Java Programming Language: Overview, Java and Maven Installation, Java Example Application, Java Maven Example Application, Package Application as Thin and Fat Jar, Containerize the Package, Multistage Dockerfile
2708 words
Java Maven Thin Jar Fat Jar OpenJDK Linux Multistage Dockerfile
GitLab CI Pipeline: Compile and Deploy a Gin-based Go Web-app via Multistage Dockerfile. Part 2: Adding Code Tests, Splitting the Pipeline and Enabling Manual Job Triggers
1376 words
GitLab GitLab CI CI Pipeline Go Golang Gin Golang Linter Code Test Multistage Dockerfile Docker Webserver Unprivileged Container
GitLab CI Pipeline: Compile and Deploy a Gin-based Go Web-app via Multistage Dockerfile
1533 words
GitLab GitLab CI CI Pipeline Go Golang Gin Multistage Dockerfile Docker Webserver Unprivileged Container
GitLab CI Pipeline: Cross-Compilation with multiarch/crossbuild Container Image of a Go Application for both x86 and ARM based CPU Architecture, Deployment via SCP
994 words
GitLab GitLab CI CI Pipeline Cross-Compilation Go Golang
GitLab CI Pipeline: Compile and Deploy a Go Application via SCP (Embedded Device Deployment)
569 words
GitLab GitLab CI CI Pipeline Go Golang
Golang / Go Programming Language: Installation (Linux, Windows), Hello World Example, Go Webserver Example Project, Multistage Dockerfile Container Build
1036 words
Go Golang Docker Multistage Dockerfile Webserver
GitLab CI Pipeline: Run Python Unit Tests and Publish Results with GitLab Pages (Python Flask Web Application)
663 words
GitLab GitLab Pages GitLab CI CI Pipeline Python Unit Test Flask
GitLab CI Pipeline: Python Flask Web Application, Deploy and Run Python in Container, Deploy and Run Compiled Python Bytecode in Container via Multistage Dockerfile, Deploy and Run Compiled Python Binary in Container via Multistage Dockerfile
1772 words
GitLab GitLab CI CI Pipeline Python Flask Multistage Dockerfile Unprivileged Container
GitLab CI Pipeline: C++ Application Container Deployment, Container Image Size Comparison between Dynamic Linking and Static Compilation with Debian Slim and Alpine Images
1755 words
GitLab GitLab CI CI Pipeline C++ Multistage Dockerfile Debian Alpine
GitLab CI Pipeline - Push data into AWS S3 Bucket, PowerShell Git Commands
500 words
GitLab GitLab CI CI Pipeline AWS S3 Git PowerShell
GitLab CI Pipeline - Docker Compose Deployment: Containerize and Deploy Static Website Project and Traefik Reverse Proxy via Docker Compose
1537 words
GitLab GitLab CI CI Pipeline Docker-Compose Apache Traefik Unprivileged Container
GitLab CI Pipeline - Docker Compose Deployment: Containerize and Deploy Static Website Project via Docker Compose; Image Build Naming Convention
1714 words
GitLab GitLab CI CI Pipeline Docker-Compose Apache Unprivileged Container
GitLab CI Pipeline - Containerize and Deploy Static Website Project with CI Pipeline in different Project via Diploy Keys
1343 words
GitLab GitLab CI CI Pipeline Deploy Keys Apache Unprivileged Container
GitLab CI Pipeline - Deploy Static Website via Nginx Container, Multi-branch Deployment, Run container without Root Privileges
1374 words
GitLab GitLab CI CI Pipeline Multi-branch Nginx Unprivileged Container Docker Git
GitLab CI Pipeline - Containerize and Deploy PHP Website
1244 words
GitLab GitLab CI CI Pipeline PHP Alpine Debian Unprivileged Container
GitLab CI Pipeline - Publish HTML Website with GitLab Pages
349 words
GitLab GitLab CI CI Pipeline GitLab Pages
GitLab: Manually Pull Image from GitLab Registry via Docker; GitLab Access Tokens (Project Access Token / Personal Access Token)
732 words
GitLab GitLab CI CI Pipeline GitLab Registry GitLab Access Tokens Docker Troubleshooting
Dockerfile: Create Unprivileged Webserver Containers with Nginx(Alpine), Apache(Alpine / from scratch) & Caddy(Alpine)
821 words
Dockerfile Unprivileged Container Alpine Webserver Nginx Apache Caddy
GitHub Actions Workflow: Build a Docker Container Image and Push the Image to DockerHub
438 words
GitHub GitHub Actions CI Pipeline DockerHub Docker
Azure DevOps Pipeline: Deploy Container to AKS Kubernetes Cluster
821 words
Azure Azure DevOps CI Pipeline AKS
Azure DevOps Pipeline: Build Container Image and push the Image to Azure Container Registry
729 words
Azure Azure DevOps CI Pipeline Container Registry Docker
Azure Container Registry: Create an Azure Container Registry with Azure CLI, Create a Service Principal for the Registry Authentication, Push & Pull an Example Container
712 words
Azure Container Registry Docker
Jenkins CI Pipeline: Retrieve Code from Bitbucket Repository, Executes Maven Build, Deployes Artifacts to Artifactory Maven Repository
703 words
Jenkins CI Pipeline Bitbucket Artifactory Maven
Jenkins CI Setup: Connect Jenkins to Bitbucket, Create and Run a Test-Job; Connect Jenkins to Artifactory, Build Example Project from GitHub and Push Artifacts to Artifactory Maven Repository
1171 words
Jenkins CI Pipeline Bitbucket Artifactory Maven CoreDNS Kubernetes
Jenkins: Kubernetes Deployment, Storage Setup (Storage Class, PersistentVolume with NFS), TLS Encryption with Nginx Ingress and Kubernetes Secret
739 words
Jenkins Kubernetes Helm
Artifactory: Kubernetes Deployment, Storage Setup (External Storage Provider with NFS Subdir External Provisioner), TLS Encryption, Nginx Ingress
808 words
Artifactory Kubernetes Helm
Bitbucket Data Center - Docker Compose Stack: Self-hosted Git-based Source Code Repository Host, Traefik Reverse Proxy, Create and Push into Example Repository
638 words
Bitbucket Docker-Compose Traefik PostgreSQL
Git Commands: Install Git (Linux, Windows), Configure User & Email, Clone Repository, Manage Branches, Status, Add, Commit, Push & Pull, Merge Branches, Commit History & Reset Commit, Change Commit Message, Line Ending Conversion
1811 words
Git Commands
OpenStack Heat: Single and Multi VM Deployments with Heat Manifest and Cloud-Init, Assign Floating IP with Script, Create Network with Router
1880 words
OpenStack OpenStack Heat Cloud-init
OpenStack CLI: Deploy VM, Security Group Rules, Assign Floating IP
1158 words
OpenStack: DevStack - Deploy a Single-Node OpenStack Playground with Heat Plugin, OpenStack CLI Commands
1343 words
OpenStack DevStack OpenStack Heat Ubuntu
CephFS: Deploy MDS Daemons, Create CephFS Filesystem, Create Ceph User, Mount CephFS on Clients
771 words
Ceph CephFS
Ceph Cluster: Deploy a Ceph Cluster with Cephadm, Add Nodes and OSDs; Setup a Storage Pool, Create and Mount RBD Image, Create User for RBD Image Mount
2119 words
Ceph High-availability Cluster Rocky Linux
Terraform - AWS: Install Terraform on Linux & Windows, Deploy EC2 Instance with SSH Key and SG in default VPC, Deploy EC2 Instance with Scripted Docker installation, Create S3 Bucket
1736 words
Terraform AWS EC2 S3
Terraform - Hetzer Cloud: Deploy Servers with SSH Key, Deploy Firewall & Firewall Rules, Connect VMs to Firewall, Cloud-init Example
1531 words
Terraform Hetzner Cloud Cloud-init
Terraform - Microsoft Azure: Deploy Server with SSH Key and custom Security Group; Dynamically Scale VM Deployment (Deploy 'n' number of VMs)
1838 words
Terraform Azure Azure CLI
Terraform - VMware vSphere: Install vSphere CA Certificate on Linux; Deploy basic VM with manual Installation; Create VM Template with Packer, Deploy VMs with Custom IP and Hostname from Template and place them in vSphere Folder
2756 words
Terraform Packer vSphere VMware Cloud-init PowerCLI Root CA Certificate
Terraform Cloud: Connect GitHub via OAuth Authentication, Create Terraform Workspace, Execute Terraform Azure Configuration via Terraform Run
914 words
Terraform Terraform Cloud GitHub OAuth Azure
Foreman: Setup a Foreman Server, Export Root CA Certificate & Add Hosts with Puppet Agent
1365 words
Foreman Puppet
Puppet Open Source: Install Puppet Server, Add Hosts / Deploy Puppet Agent, Puppet Modules Examples, Deploy Apache Webserver, Deploy LAMP Stack
1761 words
Puppet Apache LAMP Stack
Ansible: Create Ansible Collection with Roles and Playbooks for User Management and SSH Daemon Configuration
1961 words
Ansible Ansible-Playbook Ansible Galaxy
Ansible: Example Playbooks and ad hoc commands
1155 words
Ansible Ansible-Playbook Docker Nginx
Vagrant with VirtualBox on Debian 12
717 words
Vagrant Virtualbox Debian Linux KVM
GCP Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) and Public Subnet Scheme, Part 1: Single Region, GCP Network Overview, Terraform Configuration, Mermaid Flowchart
1757 words
GCP Google Cloud SDK Terraform Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) Compite Engine Instance Mermaid Flowchart
GCP Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) and Public Subnet Scheme, Part 2: Multi Region, Terraform Configuration, Mermaid Flowchart
1611 words
GCP Google Cloud SDK Terraform Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) Compite Engine Instance Mermaid Flowchart
AWS Relational Database Service (RDS) Postgres: Version1 Playground VPC, Terraform Configuration
1253 words
AWS AWS CLI Terraform RDS PostgreSQL PostgreSQL HA Cluster Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) EC2
AWS Relational Database Service (RDS) Postgres: Version 2 Production VPC, Terraform Configuration, Mermaid Flowchart
1780 words
AWS AWS CLI Terraform RDS PostgreSQL PostgreSQL HA Cluster Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) EC2 Mermaid Flowchart
AWS Elastic File System (EFS): Terraform Configuration, Mount EFS into EC2 Instance
1620 words
AWS AWS CLI Terraform Elastic File System EFS EFS Utils Mount Targets NFS Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) EC2 Mermaid Flowchart
AWS & On-Premise Hybrid Cloud via AWS Virtual Private Gateway, Customer Gateway and Site-to-Site VPN Connection: Terraform Configuration, Mermaid Flowchart
2154 words
AWS AWS CLI Terraform Hybrid Cloud Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) Virtual Private Gateway Customer Gateway Site-to-Site VPN Connection StrongSwan Internet Gateway Routing Tables EC2 Mermaid Flowchart
AWS Multi Region Multi Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) Networking via Transit Gateway Peering Connection: Terraform Configuration, Mermaid Flowchart
4564 words
AWS AWS CLI Terraform Multi Region Cloud Network Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) Transit Gateway Transit Gateway Peering Internet Gateway NAT Gateway Routing Tables EC2 Mermaid Flowchart
AWS Multi Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) Networking via Transit Gateway: Terraform Configuration, Mermaid Flowchart
3738 words
AWS AWS CLI Terraform Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) Transit Gateway Internet Gateway NAT Gateway Routing Tables EC2 Mermaid Flowchart
AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) with Terraform: Deploying an EKS Cluster with Custom VPC and Subnet Scheme via Terraform, Example Deployment with LoadBalancer and TLS Encryption
1586 words
AWS Kubernetes EKS Terraform Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) AWS CLI
AWS Virtual Private Cloud (VPC): Create VPC and Build a Private and Public Subnet Scheme, Verify the Network Connectivity with EC2 Instances, Part 1: CLI Version, Mermaid Flowchart
1952 words
AWS AWS CLI Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) Internet Gateway NAT Gateway Routing Tables EC2 Mermaid Flowchart
AWS Virtual Private Cloud (VPC): Create VPC and Build a Private and Public Subnet Scheme, Verify the Network Connectivity with EC2 Instances, Part 2: CloudFormation Version
2076 words
AWS AWS CLI CloudFormation Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) Internet Gateway NAT Gateway Routing Tables EC2
AWS Virtual Private Cloud (VPC): Create VPC and Build a Private and Public Subnet Scheme, Verify the Network Connectivity with EC2 Instances, Part 3: Terraform Version
2068 words
AWS AWS CLI Terraform Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) Internet Gateway NAT Gateway Routing Tables EC2
AWS Elastic Container Service (ECS) - Create a Service and ALB LoadBalancer with HTTPS Listener and TLS Certificate using the AWS CLI, Mermaid Flowchart
2327 words
AWS AWS CLI Elastic Container Service (ECS) Application Load Balancer (ALB) Elastic Container Registry CloudWatch Docker Mermaid Flowchart
AWS Elastic Container Service (ECS) - Create Example Task with the AWS CLI and Access the Container
1304 words
AWS AWS CLI Elastic Container Service (ECS) Elastic Container Registry CloudWatch Docker
AWS Elastic Container Registry (ECR) - Managing AWS ECR and IAM Access with the AWS CLI, Container Image Security Scan
997 words
AWS AWS CLI Elastic Container Registry Container Registry Docker
AWS Lightsail Container Service: Container Deployment via AWS CLI
822 words
AWS AWS CLI Lightsail Container Service Docker
AWS CloudFormation - Deploy AWS Resource Stacks with AWS CloudFormation and AWS CLI
490 words
AWS CloudFormation
AWS EC2 Static IP: Assign Static Private IPv4 Addresses to EC2 Instances, Terraform Configuration
1058 words
AWS AWS CLI Terraform EC2
AWS EC2 - CLI: Manage EC2 Instances and Security Groups, Automate EC2 Configuration with Cloud-init
731 words
AWS EC2 Security Group Cloud-init
AWS EC2: Increase volume and file system size
278 words
AWS EC2 Geo Restriction with Application Load Balancer (ALB) and Web Application Firewall (WAF) / Access Control Lists (ACL), custom response body, https encryption
925 words
AWS EC2 Application Load Balancer (ALB) WAF ACL Geo Restriction VPC Certificate Manager
AWS S3 - CLI: Copy and Sync data, Static Website Hosting, mount S3 Bucket as file system with s3fs
660 words
AWS S3 s3fs Commands
AWS S3: Upload Notification
242 words
AWS S3 Mail Notification
AWS S3: User Access to specific Bucket via the AWS Webconsole
209 words
AWS - Static Website Hosting with S3 and Cloudfront, Geo Restriction, Cloudfront Functions, CloudFront Cache Invalidation
674 words
AWS S3 Cloudfront Geo Restriction Cloudfront Functions https
AWS S3 - Glacier: Data Archiving with S3 Glacier Storage Class
547 words
AWS S3 Glacier Data Archiving
AWS Family Transfer - SFTP Server with S3 Storage
325 words
AWS AWS Family Transfer SFTP S3 WinSCP
AWS Lambda Function - S3 Bucket Automation
481 words
AWS Lambda S3 Python Boto3
Let's Encrypt Wildcard Certificate with Certbot and AWS Route 53
448 words
AWS Certbot Wildcard Certificate Route 53
Keycloak Authentication - Setup on Debian 12, Production Mode, TLS Encryption, CLI Administration, Keycloak Quickstart Node.js Example Application
1746 words
Keycloak Debian Node.js Java
WildFly (JBoss Community Version) - Setup on Debian 12, Deployment of a Java WebApp, Nginx Reverse Proxy
1040 words
WildFly JBoss Debian Java Nginx
MinIO (Object Storage)- Docker Compose, TLS Encryption for API and Console Connection, MinIO Client
952 words
MinIO Docker-Compose Object Storage S3
SeaweedFS (Object Storage) - Docker Compose Stack, S3 API Commands
662 words
SeaweedFS Docker-Compose Object Storage S3
Traefik - Docker Compose, Reverse Proxy with automated Let's Encrypt Certificate for Docker Containers
361 words
Traefik Reverse Proxy Docker-Compose Let's Encrypt Webserver
Traefik - Docker Compose, Reverse Proxy with Wildcard Certificate for Docker Containers
706 words
Traefik Reverse Proxy Docker-Compose Webserver
Traefik - Bare Metal, Reverse Proxy for Apache2
599 words
Traefik Reverse Proxy Apache Webserver
Nginx Tutorial: HTTP, HTTPS, Reverse Proxy for Apache2
1329 words
Nginx Reverse Proxy Apache Certbot Webserver
Nginx - Docker Compose, HTTP, HTTPS, Reverse Proxy for Apache2 Container
754 words
Nginx Docker-Compose Reverse Proxy Apache Certbot Webserver
Apache2 Tutorial - HTTP, HTTPS, PHP, Apache2 Commands. Ubuntu Version
727 words
Apache PHP Certbot Ubuntu Webserver
Apache2 Tutorial - HTTP, HTTPS, PHP, Apache2 Commands. RHEL Version
880 words
Apache PHP Certbot RHEL Webserver
Caddy Docker Compose - Webserver & Reverse Proxy for Apache Container
549 words
Caddy Docker-Compose Webserver Reverse Proxy
Lighttpd - Lightweight Webserver, HTTP, HTTPS, PHP, Command Overview
680 words
Lighttpd Webserver
Varnish: Loadbalancer Example with Nginx TLS Termination for Apache2 Webservers; Systemd Service Unit Configuration, Manage VCL Configurations with Varnishadm
1119 words
Varnish Varnishadm Nginx Apache Loadbalancer Systemd Service Unit
HAproxy - High Availability Proxy on Ubuntu 22.04
483 words
HAproxy High-availability Cluster Loadbalancer
Distributed Replicated Block Device (DRBD) - High-availability storage cluster
641 words
DRBD High-availability Cluster
High-availability Cluster with Pacemaker and Corosync, PCS and CRMSH version
1740 words
Pacemaker Corosync PCS CRMSH High-availability Cluster Nginx
Proxmox Hypervisor - High-availability Cluster, Firewall, Proxmox Commands
1426 words
Proxmox Hypervisor High-availability Cluster KVM
Proxmox Hypervisor - GPU and Disk Passthrough
1931 words
Proxmox Hypervisor Debian GPU Passthrough KVM
EJBCA Community Edition - Docker Compose Stack, build Certification Authority, issue Server TLS Certificate, test the secure TLS encryption
1142 words
EJBCA Docker-Compose MariaDB Certification Authority
CoreDNS - Docker Compose, Open Source DNS server. Troubleshooting .local domain resoluation on Ubuntu server 22.04
424 words
CoreDNS DNS Docker-Compose
Mailcow - Docker Compose Stack, Setup a Mailcow Mailserver with SOGo Mailclient on a Hetzner Cloud Server
1103 words
Mailcow Docker-Compose Debian Hetzner Cloud Route 53
Icinga2 Dockerized - Basic Setup for Icinga2 Monitoring
1746 words
Icinga2 Docker-Compose Monitoring Certbot
Nagios Core - Monitoring Setup
1294 words
Nagios Core Monitoring Apache NRPE
Zabbix & Zabbix Agent 2 - Monitoring Setup, PostgreSQL & MySQL Setup
1086 words
Zabbix Monitoring Nginx PostgreSQL MySQL
ElasticStack: Kubernetes Deployment, Elasticsearch, Kibana, Filebeat, Metricbeat
1567 words
Kubernetes Elasticsearch Kibana Filebeat Metricbeat
ELK Stack: Bare-Metal Deployment
1111 words
ELK Stack Elasticsearch Kibana Logstash Filebeat Nginx
Dead Man's Snitch - CronJob Monitoring: Get Email Alerts for CronJob Failures
317 words
Dead Man's Snitch CronJob Monitoring
InfluxDB with Telegraf Agent - Docker Compose Stack with Nginx Reverse Proxy
450 words
InfluxDB Telegraf Docker-Compose Nginx
Nextcloud - Docker Compose Stack, HTTPS, S3 Storage, LDAPS Active Directory Authentication, Maintenence & other Settings
2561 words
Nextcloud AWS S3 IAM Docker-Compose rsync https Apache Certbot Let's Encrypt Active Directory Windows LDAPS
Nextcloud - Kubernetes Deployment
1427 words
Kubernetes Helm CSI Nextcloud
Nextcloud - LAMP Stack on Ubuntu 22.04
875 words
Nextcloud LAMP Stack Apache MySQL
Wordpress - Docker Compose Stack with Nginx Reverse Proxy
282 words
Wordpress Docker-Compose Nginx MariaDB
Wordpress - LAMP Stack on Ubuntu 22.04
813 words
Wordpress LAMP Stack Apache MySQL
Linux based Samba Share: Active Directory integration with Kerberos
698 words
Linux Samba Share Windows Active Directory Kerberos
WireGuard VPN Server, Linux and Windows peers
618 words
Wireguard VPN Linux Windows
OpenVPN Dockerized
706 words
OpenVPN VPN Docker-Compose
Docker Swarm: Basic Tutorial
974 words
Docker Docker-Swarm Commands
Debian 12 Bookworm - Server & Desktop Configuration, Common Packages, KVM Virtualization with Virt-Manager
1293 words
Linux Debian Desktop
Linux Dual Boot with Ubuntu and Debian. Ubuntu custom storage layout with LVM, Debian custom storage layout with LVM
481 words
Linux Dual boot Ubuntu Debian GRUB
Linux - Create bootable USB Stick, create encrypted USB Stick, VeraCrypt Encryption, Cryptsetup Encryption
2358 words
Linux Bootable USB-Stick VeraCrypt Cryptsetup Debian
Fail2ban - Protect Linux server against brute-force attacks, Pentesting with Hydra
499 words
Fail2ban Brute-Force Hydra Pentesting Linux
Arch Linux - Manual Installation with LVM, KDE Plasma 6 Desktop
3107 words
Arch KDE Plasma Linux
Pi-hole - Docker Compose, Setup a DNS Sinkhole with VMware Workstation
321 words
Pi-hole DNS Sinkhole Docker-Compose VMware
Raspberry Pi - Setup Raspberry Pi OS, Network Configuration, Install Docker & Docker Compose
567 words
Raspberry Pi Docker NMCLI Linux
OPNsense - Installation, Certificate Authority Setup
646 words
OPNsense Certificate Authority Router
APC Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) - Apcupsd Master / Slave Configuration
212 words
APC UPS apcupsd Linux
Intelligent Platform Management Interface (IPMI) Commands
361 words
IPMI BMC Commands
MegaRAID - MegaCLI on Linux
756 words
MegaRAID MegaCLI Linux Smartctl
Apt-dater - Remote package update management
454 words
Apt-dater Linux
MC - Midnight Commander: Two panel file manager for Linux
109 words
MC Midnight-Commander Linux Shortcuts
Veeam Agent Setup - Standalone on Linux Server
119 words
Veeam Agent Linux
VM image conversion from KVM to VMware
646 words
KVM VMware
Jupyter Notebook
228 words
Jupyter Notebook Python pip venv
phpMyAdmin - Docker Compose, Nginx Reverse Proxy. Management Interface for MySQL & MariaDB
617 words
phpMyAdmin MySQL MariaDB Docker-Compose Nginx
Mongo-Express - Docker Compose, Nginx Reverse Proxy. Management Interface for MongoDB
771 words
Mongo-Express MongoDB Docker-Compose Nginx
Jira - Docker Compose Stack with Nginx Reverse Proxy
203 words
Jira Docker-Compose Nginx PostgreSQL
Confluence - Docker Compose Stack with Nginx Reverse Proxy
288 words
Confluence Docker-Compose Nginx PostgreSQL
Bookstack - Docker Compose Stack with Nginx Reverse Proxy
413 words
Bookstack Docker-Compose Nginx MariaDB
Mattermost - Docker Compose Stack with Nginx Reverse Proxy
326 words
Mattermost Docker-Compose Nginx PostgreSQL
Rocket.Chat - Docker Compose Stack with Nginx Reverse Proxy
390 words
Rocket.Chat Docker-Compose Nginx MongoDB
Kimai - Docker Compose Stack, Traefik Reverse Proxy
425 words
Kimai MySQL Docker-Compose Traefik
Passbolt - Open Source Password Manager - Docker Compose Stack with Nginx Reverse Proxy
332 words
Passbolt Docker-Compose Nginx MariaDB
Jenkins - Docker Compose Stack with Nginx Reverse Proxy
401 words
Jenkins Docker-Compose Nginx
Sonatype Nexus3 - Docker Compose Stack with Nginx Reverse Proxy
212 words
Sonatype Nexus3 Docker-Compose Nginx
Active Directory Playground, Active Directory Certificate Services (ADCS), LDAPS
1474 words
Windows Domain Controller Active Directory Active Directory Certificate Services Root CA Certificate LDAPS
Enable Bitlocker Encryption, store Recovery Key in Active Directory
1772 words
Bitlocker TPM Windows Active Directory GPO
Office Deployment Tool - Office Rollout
192 words
Office Deployment Tool ODT Microsoft 365 Office PowerShell Windows
Windows 10 - Reset lost password: Boot from Windows ISO, replace utilman.exe with cmd.exe, set new PW
202 words
Windows CMD Diskpart
Visual Studio Code Shortcuts
336 words
VSCode Shortcuts
Access KVM Virt-Manager from Windows with PuTTY and Xming
87 words
PuTTY Xming Windows Virt-Manager KVM
KeePass SSH Key management with PuTTY Pageant and MobaXterm
384 words
KeePass SSH Windows PuTTY Pageant PuTTY MobaXterm
Diskpart Tutorials
339 words
Diskpart PowerShell Bootable USB-Stick Windows
Windows Tools & Configuration, WinGet Package Manager, Change Windows 11 Context-Menu
709 words
Windows WinGet PowerShell
Docker Desktop on Windows 10 with WSL
113 words
Windows Docker Desktop WSL
Windows Nested Virtualization: Use Nested Virtualization with VMware Workstation Pro on Windows 11
284 words
Windows Nested Virtualization VMware
Router - Connect to Console Port with Serial Cable
179 words
Router Router Console PuTTY Windows Ubiquiti
Network Printer with Generic Driver - Windows and Ubuntu Desktop, print from Bash Shell
348 words
Network Printer Windows Ubuntu Bash
MikroTik - RouterOS Setup with WinBox, VLAN Setup
801 words
MikroTik RouterOS WinBox Router VLAN
Zyxel GS1200-8 Switch - Initial Setup & VLAN Setup
223 words
Zyxel Switch VLAN
Ubiquiti EdgeRouter 6p - Install Let's Encrypt Wildcard Certificate via Command Line
201 words
Router Ubiquiti Wildcard Certificate Lighttpd
Ubiquiti EdgeRouter 6p - VLAN Setup with Ubiquiti EdgeSwitch 10x, block inter-VLAN routing
472 words
VLAN Inter-VLAN routing Router Switch Ubiquiti
Portforwarding from Magenta Fiberbox through another Router (Ubiquiti EdgeRouter 6p)
338 words
Router Port Forwarding Ubiquiti Magenta Homelab
IT Theory: Core Components of the Kubernetes Architecture
717 words
IT Theory: Symmetric and Asymmetric Encryption, Encoding & Hashing
523 words
IT Theory
Subnet Mask & Subnet Segmentation Cheat Sheet
150 words
Subnet Masks
Useful Links
132 words