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Linux Commands: General Commands, System Configuration, Package Manager, Network & VLAN Configuration & Firewalls, SSH & Host Keys, Certificates, KVM & SQL
12015 words
Linux Bash Commands
Linux Storage: Mount, Disks, Partitions, Filesystems, LVM, Mdadm, Swapfile, Smartmontools, NFS & Samba
3262 words
Linux Storage Commands
Linux Filetransfer and Backups: SCP, SFTP, Rsync, Rsnapshot, dd, Borg Backup & Netcat
1857 words
Linux Filetransfer Backup Commands
Linux Scripts - Local & SSH Server Setup: Copy SSH Key, Set Hostname & FQDN, Append Hosts Entries, Roate Host Keys, Change IP Address
870 words
Linux Scripts Bash
Linux Rescue: Fix broken initial RAM disk files & Bootloader recovery
822 words
Linux Linux Rescue GRUB Initramfs Initial RAMdisk error Bootloader-Recovery Ubuntu
Linux: Change forgotten root password with init=/bin/bash (change GRUB boot configuration), set GRUB password
330 words
Linux root password GRUB
Linux: Change Linux Kernel, Load Kernel Modules
506 words
Linux Linux Kernel Kernel Modules GRUB Ubuntu
DNSmasq: Simple DNS Server
165 words
DNSmasq DNS Ubuntu
Traefik - Docker Compose, Reverse Proxy with automated Let's Encrypt Certificate for Docker Containers
361 words
Traefik Reverse Proxy Docker-Compose Let's Encrypt Webserver
Traefik - Docker Compose, Reverse Proxy with Wildcard Certificate for Docker Containers
706 words
Traefik Reverse Proxy Docker-Compose Webserver
Traefik - Bare Metal, Reverse Proxy for Apache2
599 words
Traefik Reverse Proxy Apache Webserver
Nginx Tutorial: HTTP, HTTPS, Reverse Proxy for Apache2
1329 words
Nginx Reverse Proxy Apache Certbot Webserver
Nginx - Docker Compose, HTTP, HTTPS, Reverse Proxy for Apache2 Container
754 words
Nginx Docker-Compose Reverse Proxy Apache Certbot Webserver
Apache2 Tutorial - HTTP, HTTPS, PHP, Apache2 Commands. Ubuntu Version
727 words
Apache PHP Certbot Ubuntu Webserver
Apache2 Tutorial - HTTP, HTTPS, PHP, Apache2 Commands. RHEL Version
880 words
Apache PHP Certbot RHEL Webserver
Caddy Docker Compose - Webserver & Reverse Proxy for Apache Container
549 words
Caddy Docker-Compose Webserver Reverse Proxy
Lighttpd - Lightweight Webserver, HTTP, HTTPS, PHP, Command Overview
680 words
Lighttpd Webserver
Varnish: Loadbalancer Example with Nginx TLS Termination for Apache2 Webservers; Systemd Service Unit Configuration, Manage VCL Configurations with Varnishadm
1119 words
Varnish Varnishadm Nginx Apache Loadbalancer Systemd Service Unit
HAproxy - High Availability Proxy on Ubuntu 22.04
483 words
HAproxy High-availability Cluster Loadbalancer
Debian 12 Bookworm - Server & Desktop Configuration, Common Packages, KVM Virtualization with Virt-Manager
1293 words
Linux Debian Desktop
Linux Dual Boot with Ubuntu and Debian. Ubuntu custom storage layout with LVM, Debian custom storage layout with LVM
481 words
Linux Dual boot Ubuntu Debian GRUB
Linux - Create bootable USB Stick, create encrypted USB Stick, VeraCrypt Encryption, Cryptsetup Encryption
2358 words
Linux Bootable USB Stick VeraCrypt Cryptsetup Debian
Fail2ban - Protect Linux server against brute-force attacks, Pentesting with Hydra
499 words
Fail2ban Brute-Force Hydra Pentesting Linux
Arch Linux - Manual Installation with LVM, KDE Plasma 6 Desktop
3107 words
Arch KDE Plasma Linux
Apt-dater - Remote package update management
454 words
Apt-dater Linux
MC - Midnight Commander: Two panel file manager for Linux
109 words
MC Midnight-Commander Linux Shortcuts