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Puppet Open Source: Install Puppet Server, Add Hosts / Deploy Puppet Agent, Puppet Modules Examples, Deploy Apache Webserver, Deploy LAMP Stack

1761 words·
Puppet Apache LAMP Stack
Table of Contents


In this tutorial I’m using the following VMs based on Ubuntu 22.04: puppet.jklug.local # Puppet Server host1.jklug.local # Example host with Puppet Agent

Puppet Server

Define Hostname

# Set an appropriate hostname for the Puppet server
sudo hostnamectl set-hostname puppet.jklug.local

# Verify the hostname

# Shell output:

DNS / Hosts Entry

  • Make sure the puppet server is also known as puppet
# Edit the hosts file
sudo vi /etc/hosts

# Set the following hosts entries: localhost puppet-server puppet.jklug.local puppet

Puppet Repository

Find Package for Distribution

# Find the Apt package URL for your distribution:

# For Example: Jammy (Ubuntu 22.04)

Add Puppet Repository

# Download package
cd /tmp && wget

# Add Puppet repository
sudo dpkg -i puppet*.deb

# Update package index
sudo apt update

Install Puppet Server


# Install Puppet Server
sudo apt install puppetserver -y

Verify the Installation

# Check installation / version: (logout/login first)
puppetserver -v

# Shell output:
puppetserver version: 8.6.2

Start Puppet & Verify Status

  • Start and enable Puppet Server
# Start puppet server (Service is stopped by default)
sudo systemctl start puppetserver

# Enable start at boot
sudo systemctl enable puppetserver
# Verify Puppet status
sudo systemctl status puppetserver

Export Path Variable

# Switch to root user
sudo su
  • Add the Puppet path variable for the root user
# Add the Puppet binaries to your PATH environment variable (User specific)
echo 'export PATH=/opt/puppetlabs/bin:$PATH' >> ~/.bashrc

# Apply changes / reload the .bashrc file
source ~/.bashrc

Verify Root CA Certificate

  • Make sure to check the root certificate, to see if there are any errors with the DNS configuration
# Check the root certificate
puppetserver ca list --all

# Shell output:
Signed Certificates:
    puppet.jklug.local       (SHA256)  E2:7A:0E:5A:01:CE:9D:9C:12:63:11:ED:6D:24:63:34:5C:8D:FC:2B:5B:FA:B5:00:6B:26:49:29:51:1B:91:63  alt names: ["DNS:puppet", "DNS:puppet.jklug.local"]     authorization extensions: [  pp_cli_auth: true]

Configuration File

Optional adopt the Puppetserver configuration:

# Puppet Server main configuration
sudo vi /etc/default/puppetserver
# Init settings for puppetserver

# Location of your Java binary (version 8)

# Modify this if you'd like to change the memory allocation, enable JMX, etc
JAVA_ARGS="-Xms2g -Xmx2g -Djruby.logger.class=com.puppetlabs.jruby_utils.jruby.Slf4jLogger"

# Modify this as you would JAVA_ARGS but for non-service related subcommands

# Modify this if you'd like TrapperKeeper specific arguments

# These normally shouldn't need to be edited if using OS packages

# Bootstrap path

# SERVICE_STOP_RETRIES can be set here to alter the default stop timeout in
# seconds.  For systemd, the shorter of this setting or 'TimeoutStopSec' in
# the systemd.service definition will effectively be the timeout which is used.

# START_TIMEOUT can be set here to alter the default startup timeout in
# seconds.  For systemd, the shorter of this setting or 'TimeoutStartSec'
# in the service's systemd.service configuration file will effectively be the
# timeout which is used.

# Maximum number of seconds that can expire for a service reload attempt before
# the result of the attempt is interpreted as a failure.

Add Hosts / Install Puppet Agent

Define Hostname

# Set a hostname for the host server
sudo hostnamectl set-hostname host1.jklug.local

# Verify the hostname

# Shell output:

DNS / Hosts Entry

  • Adopt the hosts file as follows
# Edit the hosts file
sudo vi /etc/hosts

# Add the following hosts entry: localhost host1 puppet.jklug.local puppet host1.jklug.local host1

Add Puppet Repository

# Download package
cd /tmp && wget

# Add Puppet repository
sudo dpkg -i puppet*.deb

# Update package index
sudo apt update

Install Puppet Agent


# Install Puppet agent
sudo apt install puppet-agent -y

Verify Installation

# Verify installation / check version
sudo /opt/puppetlabs/bin/puppet --version

# Shell output:

Start Puppet Agent

# Start the Puppet agent service
sudo /opt/puppetlabs/bin/puppet resource service puppet ensure=running enable=true

# Shell output:
service { 'puppet':
  ensure   => 'running',
  enable   => 'true',
  provider => 'systemd',

List Puppet Agent Commands

# List Puppet Commands / Help
sudo /opt/puppetlabs/bin/puppet  --help

Export Path Variable

# Switch to root user
sudo su
  • Add the Puppet path variable for the root user
# Add the Puppet binaries to your PATH environment variable (User specific)
echo 'export PATH=/opt/puppetlabs/bin:$PATH' >> ~/.bashrc

# Apply changes / reload the .bashrc file
source ~/.bashrc

Connect Agent to Server

Define Server Hostname

# Define the Puppet Server hostname
puppet config set server puppet.jklug.local --section main

Configuration File

Alternative manually define the Puppet server hostname:

# Open Puppet Agent main configuration
sudo vi /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppet.conf

# Add the Puppet Server hostname
server = puppet.jklug.local

Connect Agent to Server

  • Request SSL certificate for the Puppet Agent
# Connect Agent to Server: Creating SSL certificate request for hos1.jklug.local
puppet ssl bootstrap
  • Switch to Puppet Server
# List the pending certificate signing requests
puppetserver ca list

# Shell output:
Requested Certificates:
    host1.jklug.local       (SHA256)  AC:4D:CE:8F:CD:DA:48:6E:58:3A:CC:BF:C3:3F:A4:93:0B:4E:97:7D:FD:4C:30:9D:8D:62:05:1E:CA:46:E4:8F
# Sign the agent's certificate request
puppetserver ca sign --certname host1.jklug.local

# Shell output:
Successfully signed certificate request for host1.jklug.local
  • Switch to Puppet Agent and wait till the certificate exchange is Complete
# Shell output:
Notice: Completed SSL initialization

# Optional rerun the bootstrap command to verify the certificate exchange
sudo /opt/puppetlabs/bin/puppet ssl bootstrap

# Shell output:
Notice: Completed SSL initialization
# Verify the connection to the Puppet Server
puppet agent --test

# Shell output:
Info: Using environment 'production'
Info: Retrieving pluginfacts
Info: Retrieving plugin
Notice: Requesting catalog from puppet.jklug.local:8140 (
Notice: Catalog compiled by puppet.jklug.local
Info: Caching catalog for host1.jklug.local
Info: Applying configuration version '1725973174'
Notice: Applied catalog in 0.00 seconds

Agent Scheduling

# Open Puppet Agent main configuration
vi /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppet.conf

# Define pull interval
server = puppet.jklug.local

runinterval = 30m
# Restart the Puppet Agent
sudo systemctl restart puppet

Puppet Structure

  • Modules: Create a directory whose name matches the module name, with a subdirectory “manifests” that containers the file “init.pp”.
# Module structure
  • Manifest Files

A manifest is a file that contains client configurations that can be used to install modules

# Manifest path

Puppet Testrun

Manifest Example

  • Here is an example manifest for testing purposes
# Create new manifest
vi /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/manifests/testing.pp
# testing.pp
node 'host1.jklug.local' {
  file { '/tmp/puppet-testing':
    ensure  => file,
    content => "Puppet testing\n",

Apply Manifest

Puppet is designed around a pull configuration model, where the agent nodes pull configuration data from the server at regular intervals.

  • Manually trigger the pull
# Apply Puppent Manifest from the Puppet Agent host (Run as root user)
/opt/puppetlabs/bin/puppet agent -t

Verify Manifest Deployment

# Cat the example file
cat /tmp/puppet-testing

# Shell output
Puppet testing

Remove the Example Manifest

Remove the example “testing.pp” manifest after the testrun, so that it does not interfere with any feature host manifests.

# Delete example manifest
rm /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/manifests/testing.pp

Puppet Examples

Install Apache

Define Class

# Create the folderstructure for apache2 class
mkdir -p /etc/puppetlabs/code/modules/apache2/manifests

# Create the init file for apache2 class
vi /etc/puppetlabs/code/modules/apache2/manifests/init.pp
class apache2 {

# Apt update
  exec { 'apt-update':
    command => '/usr/bin/apt-get update'

# Apache2
  package { 'apache2':
    require => Exec['apt-update'],
    ensure => installed,

  service { 'apache2':
    ensure  => true,
    enable  => true,
    require => Package['apache2'],

Host Manifest

# Create the host Manifest
vi /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/manifests/host1.pp
# host1.pp
node 'host1.jklug.local' {
   include apache2

Apply Manifest

  • Manually trigger the pull
# Apply Puppent Manifest from the Puppet Agent host (Run as root user)
/opt/puppetlabs/bin/puppet agent -t

# Shell output:
Notice: Requesting catalog from puppet.jklug.local:8140 (
Notice: Catalog compiled by puppet.jklug.local
Info: Caching catalog for host1.jklug.local
Info: Applying configuration version '1725973744'
Notice: /Stage[main]/Apache2/Exec[apt-update]/returns: executed successfully
Notice: /Stage[main]/Apache2/Package[apache2]/ensure: created
Notice: Applied catalog in 7.09 seconds

Verify the Apache Deployment

# Verify the Apache status
systemctl status apache2

# Shell output:
● apache2.service - The Apache HTTP Server
     Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/apache2.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)

Remove Apache

Adopt Class

# Edit the init file for apache2 class
vi /etc/puppetlabs/code/modules/apache2/manifests/init.pp
class apache2 {
  package { 'apache2':
    ensure => absent,

  service { 'apache2':
    ensure  => stopped,
    enable  => false,
    require => Package['apache2'],
    subscribe => Package['apache2'],

Apply Changes

  • Manually trigger the pull
# Apply Puppent Manifest from the Puppet Agent host (Run as root user)
/opt/puppetlabs/bin/puppet agent -t

# Shell output:
Notice: Requesting catalog from puppet.jklug.local:8140 (
Notice: Catalog compiled by puppet.jklug.local
Info: Caching catalog for host1.jklug.local
Info: Applying configuration version '1725974007'
Notice: /Stage[main]/Apache2/Package[apache2]/ensure: removed
Info: /Stage[main]/Apache2/Package[apache2]: Scheduling refresh of Service[apache2]
Notice: /Stage[main]/Apache2/Service[apache2]: Triggered 'refresh' from 1 event
Notice: Applied catalog in 2.13 seconds

Verify the Apache Deletion

# Verify the Apache status
systemctl status apache2

# Shell output:
○ apache2.service
     Loaded: masked (Reason: Unit apache2.service is masked.)

Install LAMP Stack

Define Class

# Create folder for lamp class
mkdir -p /etc/puppetlabs/code/modules/lamp/manifests

# Create init file for lamp class
vi /etc/puppetlabs/code/modules/lamp/manifests/init.pp
# /etc/puppetlabs/code/modules/lamp/manifests/init.pp
class lamp {

# Apt update
  exec { 'apt-update':
    command => '/usr/bin/apt-get update'

# Apache2
  package { 'apache2':
    require => Exec['apt-update'],
    ensure => installed,

  service { 'apache2':
    ensure => running,
    enable  => true,
    require => Package['apache2'],    

  package { 'mysql-server':
    require => Exec['apt-update'],
    ensure => installed,

  service { 'mysql':
    ensure => running,
    enable  => true,
    require => Package['mysql-server'],

  package { 'php':
    require => Exec['apt-update'],
    ensure => installed,

Adopt Host Manifest

# Create the host Manifest
vi /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/manifests/host1.pp
# host1.pp
node 'host1.jklug.local' {
   include lamp

Apply Manifest

  • Manually trigger the pull
# Apply Puppent Manifest from the Puppet Agent host (Run as root user)
/opt/puppetlabs/bin/puppet agent -t

# Shell output:
Info: Using environment 'production'
Info: Retrieving pluginfacts
Info: Retrieving plugin
Notice: Requesting catalog from puppet.jklug.local:8140 (
Notice: Catalog compiled by puppet.jklug.local
Info: Caching catalog for host1.jklug.local
Info: Applying configuration version '1725974512'
Notice: /Stage[main]/Lamp/Exec[apt-update]/returns: executed successfully
Notice: /Stage[main]/Lamp/Package[apache2]/ensure: created
Notice: /Stage[main]/Lamp/Package[mysql-server]/ensure: created
Notice: /Stage[main]/Lamp/Package[php]/ensure: created
Notice: Applied catalog in 31.97 seconds

Verify the Lamp Stack

# Verify the Apache status
systemctl status apache2

# Shell output:
● apache2.service - The Apache HTTP Server
     Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/apache2.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
# Verify SQL installation / check version
mysql --version

# Shell output:
mysql  Ver 8.0.39-0ubuntu0.22.04.1 for Linux on x86_64 ((Ubuntu))
# Verify PHP installation / check version
php --version

# Shell output:
PHP 8.1.2-1ubuntu2.18 (cli) (built: Jun 14 2024 15:52:55) (NTS)
Copyright (c) The PHP Group
Zend Engine v4.1.2, Copyright (c) Zend Technologies
    with Zend OPcache v8.1.2-1ubuntu2.18, Copyright (c), by Zend Technologies

Links #

# Official Documentation: Find Repository Package