Prerequisites #
Google Cloud SDK #
Installation #
The Google Cloud SDK (Software Development Kit) includes the gcloud command-line interface (CLI).
# Install dependencies
sudo apt install curl apt-transport-https ca-certificates gnupg -y
# Add package source
echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/] cloud-sdk main" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google-cloud-sdk.list
# Import the Google Cloud public key
curl | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/
# Update package index
sudo apt update
# Install the Google Cloud SDK
sudo apt install google-cloud-sdk -y
# Verify installation / list version
gcloud version
# Shell output:
Google Cloud SDK 506.0.0
alpha 2025.01.10
beta 2025.01.10
bq 2.1.11
bundled-python3-unix 3.11.9
core 2025.01.10
gcloud-crc32c 1.0.0
gsutil 5.33
Login to GCP / Verify Login #
Open the link from the shell in a browser, login to GCP and paste the verification code in the shell.
# Alternative use the following command to login without a browser
gcloud auth login --no-launch-browser
Verify Login:
# List Google Cloud accounts that are currently authenticated
gcloud auth list
Create new Project #
# Create a new GCP project: Syntax
gcloud projects create [PROJECT_ID] --name "[PROJECT_NAME]"
# Create a new GCP project: Example
gcloud projects create storage-example-1 --name="Storage Example" --labels=type=storage
Set Default Project #
# Set the default project: Syntax
gcloud config set project <PROJECT_ID>
# Set the default project: Example
gcloud config set project storage-example-1
# Shell output:
Updated property [core/project].
Enable Project APIs: Cloud Storage API #
# Enable the necessary APIs, that are used in the project
gcloud services enable
# Shell output:
Operation "operations/acf.p2-249181329052-8b52d534-2fc8-4221-88b8-7f17b4df9d95" finished successfully.
Storage Bucket #
Create Bucket #
Storage Classes:
# Create Bucket
gcloud storage buckets create gs://jk-example-bucket \
--default-storage-class STANDARD \
--location us-central1 \
All permissions are applied to the entire bucket uniformly, rather than allowing fine-grained access control at the individual object level.
Location Options: Single Region, Dual-region, Multi-region
Verify Bucket #
# List Buckets in curent project
gcloud storage buckets list
# Shell output:
creation_time: 2025-01-25T10:41:40+0000
default_storage_class: STANDARD
generation: 1737801700534338114
location: US-CENTRAL1
location_type: region
metageneration: 1
name: jk-example-bucket
public_access_prevention: inherited
effectiveTime: '2025-01-25T10:41:40.732000+00:00'
retentionDurationSeconds: '604800'
storage_url: gs://jk-example-bucket/
uniform_bucket_level_access: true
update_time: 2025-01-25T10:41:40+0000
CLI Commands #
Upload, Download, Delete & List #
# List commands / help
gcloud storage cp --help
# Upload file to Bucket
gcloud storage cp some-file.txt gs://jk-example-bucket
# Upload multiple files to Bucket
gcloud storage cp file1.txt file2.txt gs://jk-example-bucket
# Upload folder to Bucket
gcloud storage cp -r /tmp/example-folder/ gs://jk-example-bucket
# Download file from Bucket
gcloud storage cp gs://jk-example-bucket/some-file.txt /tmp
# Download folder from Bucket
gcloud storage cp -r gs://jk-example-bucket/example-folder .
# Delete file from Bucket
gcloud storage rm gs://jk-example-bucket/some-file.txt
# Delete folder from Bucket
gcloud storage rm -r gs://jk-example-bucket/example-folder
# Delete all files from Bucket
gcloud storage rm -r gs://jk-example-bucket/*
# List files in Bucket
gcloud storage ls gs://jk-example-bucket
# List files in Bucket: Details
gcloud storage ls -l gs://jk-example-bucket
Rsync #
# Sync local directory to Bucket: Synchronize contents of "example-folder"
gsutil rsync -r ./example-folder gs://jk-example-bucket
# Sync local directory to Bucket: Synchronize the "example-folder" itself
gsutil rsync -r ./example-folder gs://jk-example-bucket/example-folder
# Sync files from Bucket
gsutil rsync -r gs://jk-example-bucket /tmp/example-folder
Delete Bucket #
# Delete all files in the Bucket
gcloud storage rm -r gs://jk-example-bucket
# Delete the Bucket
gcloud storage buckets delete gs://jk-example-bucket
# List Buckets / Verify the Bucket was deleted
gcloud storage buckets list
# Shell output:
Listed 0 items.
Links #
## GCP Documentation: Create Bucket
## GCP Documentation: Storage Classes